i dont believe heaven or hell is a place..i believe its where you at inside. its your dominating thoughts and actions that determine whether you are in heaven or hell..
i dont believe in organised religions. they divide people, when fundamentally they all about creating good..who's to say one is right or wrong?
god to me isnt a man or someone we will see...god to me is simple anything that leads to good and anything positive, whether thats a thought, an action, a memory, whatever....god is more of an energy process to me.
as for life after death, then, i know that energy cant be destoyed, only reformed and it continues, so maybe electrical / telepathic waves will be your exit from the physical life....cant prove it, and i cant disprove, so i'll go wit the positive view and say, i'll go with a open mind rather than a closed one ;0)
as for jesus...well theres tonnes of evidence that he existed..who cares what he supposedley did or didnt? what you cant fault is that he dedicated his life to helping people who were lost, to be found..he died on a cross for what he belived in and thats either crazy or amazing. im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was amazing..
as for all the other religions/beliefs/faiths, why cant we just accept them all and focus on what good points they all possess, rather than looking to doubt them, and condemn them....each to there own, if it leads to good, then thats god to me ;0)