In your religion, what's Heaven and Hell meant to be?

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In my early twenties I had a dream I died and did go to heaven. When I got there I was led into a busy cinema and sat with hundreds of others who were watching me on the screen doing things when I thought I was alone and laughing at the screen and then at me.....I'll let you use your imagination there. I know it's weird but I reckon it comes down to a guilt thing :lol:
if there is a heaven and hell, all denominations aside, then some being must've created them. Okay so we have the Big Bang and evolution occured. but who/what created the Big Bang??
interesting concept , heaven or hell

neither exist and are based on a very old ancient belief system that goes back well before christianity or the egyptians, it explains what happens to people when they die, they leave their bodies behind and go to a better place, with various changes it runs through all religions

hell was invented by the early christians to frighten the masses into accepting the churches will originally, there was no hell you either went to a better place or you didnt

its incredible to think that in the 21st century with all the scientific discoveries and knowledge that are still people who follow belief systems that go back to the beginning of the human race
interesting concept , heaven or hell

neither exist and are based on a very old ancient belief system that goes back well before christianity or the egyptians, it explains what happens to people when they die, they leave their bodies behind and go to a better place, with various changes it runs through all religions

hell was invented by the early christians to frighten the masses into accepting the churches will originally, there was no hell you either went to a better place or you didnt

its incredible to think that in the 21st century with all the scientific discoveries and knowledge that are still people who follow belief systems that go back to the beginning of the human race
But even Stephen Hawking believes in God, Mike, unless he's changed his mind from when I last read "a brief history of time"
who knows hey dan?
you could be right, you could be wrong.


We know mate, and we're right. We simply get given back to the earth, and nobody has ever found any proof of a spirit. Our bodies don't require a spirit, just energy in the form of food which keeps our body going and growing until something fails within it, hopefully at a very old age.

110% been proven time and time again.

I don't think it's fair to just assume we do something that nobody has ever proven. So it's safe to say unless you believe in the tooth fairy, santa, ghosts, and fairies at the bottom of the garden then I wouldn't believe in a spirit or after-life.
A very good thought provoking thread, I was christened C of E my mother was Catholic, my father Protestant. My elder sister was brought up in the Catholic faith. At the age of 15yrs I was intoduced to the Mormon church, by way of American missionaries who had got me hooked on playing Baseball. After allowing me to get quite good at the game, they then informed me that unless I was baptized I would no longer be a part of the team. My father put a stop to this, as I was expected to give 5% of my earnings to the church.

As you can imagine, I have experienced quite a few religions, I do believe some people can gain comfort from their beliefs. Unfortunately it is not for me. I recently worked with a very nice guy, who was a devout Jehovah's witness. When I asked him about Darwin's origin of species he told me it was all rubbish, in his opinion the world was created 4,000.00 yrs ago by GOD in the garden of Eden. I had to ask him how he explained the fossil records going back millions of years, he quoted from the old testament. I think religion can bring comfort to people who choose to believe. But as stated, in the hands of fanatics, it can be very dangerous:mad2:

PS. God if you are reading this, I am sitting on the fence:yikes:
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if there is a heaven and hell, all denominations aside, then some being must've created them. Okay so we have the Big Bang and evolution occured. but who/what created the Big Bang??

The big bang was created out of a mass of energy. It was litterally nothing before it became everything. And that's the most supported theory (there are others mind) but the least supported theories are somebody 'made' it. And if they made everything, who made them? That's a more valid question than asking who made the big bang IMO.

Documentary on it on discovery, try to catch it if you can't it's repeated quite a bit. Damn, can't think of the exact name they used now but it was part of their 'how the universe works' series.

It's not fair to say it was made by a 'god' or whatever, this would need to be a newer theory than when the bible was made as that doesn't mention a bang or stars but just 'heaven and earth' and adam and jane or whatever her name was. When they made the bible they didn't know about much else.
interesting concept , heaven or hell

neither exist and are based on a very old ancient belief system that goes back well before christianity or the egyptians, it explains what happens to people when they die, they leave their bodies behind and go to a better place, with various changes it runs through all religions

hell was invented by the early christians to frighten the masses into accepting the churches will originally, there was no hell you either went to a better place or you didnt

its incredible to think that in the 21st century with all the scientific discoveries and knowledge that are still people who follow belief systems that go back to the beginning of the human race

Amen. 😀

theres god and theres religion Doug

No, he has actually changed his mind. It was on the news only last year I think. I'll try and find the BBC Report on it.

I think from memory it was something to do with another well known scientist having quite a bit to do with hawkins so it was thought he was encouraged.


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