In your religion, what's Heaven and Hell meant to be?

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I've prayed, but I was at a young age and you're sorted of forced to do it, and this often sticks. I never got it, and only really when I was old enough to understand santa wasn't real did I understand you're praying to nobody.

And Phil, I know you were a bounty hunter mate, it's okay, you don't have to deny it. :lol:

The problem is, Dan, you've only uncovered a lot of athiests. If anyone reading this has beliefs they're probably wary of stating it in case they get jumped on IMO.
I believe Heaven is not a place but a feeling, A feeling of warmth, fulfillment, knowing, rest, the sun on your face on a summers day, the wind in your hair, the sand under your feet and the rain on your skin.

Hell is a feeling of anxiety, missing, loneliness, unrest, the sense you get when something really bad is about to happen or when you have done something really bad. That feeling of guilt, of worry and dread. The coldness when you just can warm up and your bones ache.
i was made to go to sunday school every sunday (funnily enough) 🙂
they taught us that hell would be for a thousand years and you would have to answer for your wrongs before being sent down there if you were a non believer. the teacher very kindly told me that my dad who was a non believer would be going and that is what he would face. nice thing to tell a 9 year old.
our idea of heaven from them would be a place where we would be for eternity in a gracious state without the worries of ill health and meeting up with all other believers.
you can imagine the sort of nightmares i had as a kid stressing about my dad.
i can`t really say what i think of him as it`s not in the pub 😀 but i am sure you can imagine
The problem is, Dan, you've only uncovered a lot of athiests. If anyone reading this has beliefs they're probably wary of stating it in case they get jumped on IMO.

I'm willing to be tired and tested and willing to try and test mate. I don't jump on people, only really tell them my view about their view and ask them to reiterate and let me understand. Sort of thing.

TBH is was meant to be about heaven and hell, not religion itself per say but you know how a thread goes :lol:

Checkout the thread on the other forum where I got the idea on. They have many religions all chipping in. And all of them are questioning the other and whatnot. I find it very interesting.

And let's face it, I've lost touch in the modern world of tiling and are pretty useless advice-wise unless it's UFH or old ceramics lol So what else can I post about? :lol:

No harm done mate. It's all just discussion and if people don't want to chip in, then that's their choice but I'm going to follow the thread as I made it, sort of thing. 🙂
I'm willing to be tired and tested and willing to try and test mate. I don't jump on people, only really tell them my view about their view and ask them to reiterate and let me understand. Sort of thing.

TBH is was meant to be about heaven and hell, not religion itself per say but you know how a thread goes :lol:

Checkout the thread on the other forum where I got the idea on. They have many religions all chipping in. And all of them are questioning the other and whatnot. I find it very interesting.

And let's face it, I've lost touch in the modern world of tiling and are pretty useless advice-wise unless it's UFH or old ceramics lol So what else can I post about? :lol:

No harm done mate. It's all just discussion and if people don't want to chip in, then that's their choice but I'm going to follow the thread as I made it, sort of thing. 🙂

I know what you're saying and certainly wasn't having a go ( quite the contrary). I personally like a good arguement whether I'm involved or simply reading it and am always interested in other views and sometimes even have my mind changed to some degree.
I know you weren't having a dig at me mate. I just can't reply any other way, it's me. :lol:

Discussion of and the sharing of knowledge is what makes the world tick. Hell, it's my job to cause it, though thankfully unlike a priest it's not about religion (sorry if that's not their job - only dealt with them at funerals and weddings).

I love it to bits and would never want to stop it. We all hate closing threads that have got out of hand. And my first line was "we're all professional enough here to discuss it" and I wouldn't have posted it at all if I thought it'd lead to any member knocking another, especially me.

I don't mind what views people have, what they shoot with their guns, or what they do in their spare time. But we shouldn't by too shy to talk about it if we want to. If we don't, don't. Doesn't bother me. 🙂
I was always told never to disscuss religion or politics with people that I dont know very very well. Weather thats because my Platoon Comander knew how strong my views on both are or weather he told that to every one I don't know. lol
i dont believe heaven or hell is a place..i believe its where you at inside. its your dominating thoughts and actions that determine whether you are in heaven or hell..

i dont believe in organised religions. they divide people, when fundamentally they all about creating good..who's to say one is right or wrong?

god to me isnt a man or someone we will see...god to me is simple anything that leads to good and anything positive, whether thats a thought, an action, a memory, whatever....god is more of an energy process to me.

as for life after death, then, i know that energy cant be destoyed, only reformed and it continues, so maybe electrical / telepathic waves will be your exit from the physical life....cant prove it, and i cant disprove, so i'll go wit the positive view and say, i'll go with a open mind rather than a closed one ;0)

as for jesus...well theres tonnes of evidence that he existed..who cares what he supposedley did or didnt? what you cant fault is that he dedicated his life to helping people who were lost, to be found..he died on a cross for what he belived in and thats either crazy or amazing. im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was amazing..

as for all the other religions/beliefs/faiths, why cant we just accept them all and focus on what good points they all possess, rather than looking to doubt them, and condemn them....each to there own, if it leads to good, then thats god to me ;0)

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