Is this an acceptable edge cut?

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are the cuts acceptable?....most certainly not, regardless of price paid. There's no need to use an angle grinder for the L shaped edges anyway, score the edges with hand cutter then use an angle grinder to cut into the corner from the waste edge and just snap them out with your cutter.
Is this an acceptable edge cut?
Yes,Just spend the money on the tools
Ps tile very hard

IMG_20170720_072517.jpg IMG_20170720_072552.jpg IMG_20170720_072435.jpg 15005285336241626358036.jpg 15005286429651884435056.jpg
So I guess the next question is, what is reasonable to expect to put this right?
I'm guessing it's far too heavy handed to expect it all torn out and redone at their expense. They are still expecting full payment for the tiling!

But there are issues like the one highlighted around the whole room:
All cuts have been done to the standard you have seen. Windows, alcove, corners, everything.
There are several large chips off the edges of tiles that they have tried to disguise with paint.
Most tiles are not flush to those around them.
The tiles are a brick pattern, but in some places the vertical joins are as much as 9mm out of line from those below. Two tiles joining in a corner are horizontally out of line too.
Worst of all, the tile overlaps in one corner alternate from left to right up the wall!
There are holes in the grout, and some spots at the bottom have been missed entirely.
There are tool marks on several tiles.
The bottom of the alcove is level, not slightly sloped for drainage, despite us specifically asking for this, and told that is what they would do.
They also managed to put 2 deep gouges into the brand new stone resin shower tray too, which of course they claim wasn't them.

We finally had enough yesterday and asked them to leave. We just have no faith that they can finish the job without causing more damage and without getting a serious leak or something down the line.
We're now stuck with an unfinished bathroom, and I'm pretty sure we will seriously struggle to find someone willing to make good and finish for us.

Believe it or not, despite all the above, they are still sticking to their guns and claiming it is as professional a job as any other, and that it is our extreme standards that are at fault. As I said, we haven't settled the final payment yet, but I don't know whether we should only expect it discounted or simply not pay it under the circumstances. Or whether we should try to make necessary repairs to the tiling, or just rip it out.

Lesson learned here though. Last time we take on a contractor based on check-a-trade reviews without checking qualifications. Not a mistake I intend to repeat. 🙁
So I guess the next question is, what is reasonable to expect to put this right?
I'm guessing it's far too heavy handed to expect it all torn out and redone at their expense. They are still expecting full payment for the tiling!

But there are issues like the one highlighted around the whole room:
All cuts have been done to the standard you have seen. Windows, alcove, corners, everything.
There are several large chips off the edges of tiles that they have tried to disguise with paint.
Most tiles are not flush to those around them.
The tiles are a brick pattern, but in some places the vertical joins are as much as 9mm out of line from those below. Two tiles joining in a corner are horizontally out of line too.
Worst of all, the tile overlaps in one corner alternate from left to right up the wall!
There are holes in the grout, and some spots at the bottom have been missed entirely.
There are tool marks on several tiles.
The bottom of the alcove is level, not slightly sloped for drainage, despite us specifically asking for this, and told that is what they would do.
They also managed to put 2 deep gouges into the brand new stone resin shower tray too, which of course they claim wasn't them.

We finally had enough yesterday and asked them to leave. We just have no faith that they can finish the job without causing more damage and without getting a serious leak or something down the line.
We're now stuck with an unfinished bathroom, and I'm pretty sure we will seriously struggle to find someone willing to make good and finish for us.

Believe it or not, despite all the above, they are still sticking to their guns and claiming it is as professional a job as any other, and that it is our extreme standards that are at fault. As I said, we haven't settled the final payment yet, but I don't know whether we should only expect it discounted or simply not pay it under the circumstances. Or whether we should try to make necessary repairs to the tiling, or just rip it out.

Lesson learned here though. Last time we take on a contractor based on check-a-trade reviews without checking qualifications. Not a mistake I intend to repeat. 🙁
Firstly complain to checkatrade about the standard of work . Secondly if it as bad as you say . Rip out and start again you will never make it good . If you need to go legal on this for a fee Trade Tiling Association for a fee send somebody in to write a professional report on this . If i saw it i wouldn't think this customer is being picky I don't want to get involved . I would have no problem in sorting something like this out but only if it was rip out and start again .
Good luck with your endeavours
I've just finished a job recently, working for the pickiest customer I've ever EVER come across.
At times she was beginning to wind me up with the ocd and microscopic attention to detail, but to be fair, she kept me on my toes and stretched my abilities. (as well as my patience a little!)
Believe me, based on what you have shown us you are not being unreasonable at all.

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