It makes your blood boil

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my dad who is 70 and still doing bits of tiling has a LDV van which he parks outside his house on a night. Its a one way street but its a street that people use to walk down into town.
Last night he heard a noise and a man/lad had just smashed the 2 rear windows. When my dad shouted at him the person just looked up and put a brick through the windscreen and then ran off.
The police arrived quickly but of course without a description of the person its fat chance of anything happening.
What the hell goes through these peoples minds ? The guy wasnt trying to steal anything, just destroy property....Even if they were caught the sentance given would not equal the distress to the innocent party.
Thats bad that,wouldn't ya have loved to come on thedoing it !! give him a bit and run,lol. that'd teach him. the law is too lenient by far. I once seen a group of over a hundred people chasing a man down a street in Kusadasi,Turkey!!! he obviously had done something and the mob were gonna get him !! thats whats needed at times here ! respect to the turks:thumbsup:
Neale, that is really the s***. One of the guys that works for me used to live in Washington DC. (by way of background for you, much of DC is a lawless sh** hole, and I don't mean just the Congress 😀 ).

So anyway, their building was broken into for about the tenth time during the two years they had lived there, and my employee was talking to the police officers and telling them what little he knew about what was going on. One of the cops pulled him to the side and said "You look like nice people, and you have kids....the best advice that I can give you is to move out of DC and get to Maryland or Virginia. Nothing is going to change here and even if we catch these people that will be back out here next week.":mad2:
Aye they're big brave men these lads that do willfull damage to other peoples property then run away......:incazzato:

I had my windscreen smashed in a couple of months ago - just a drunken tosspot with nowt better to do. I wish he had at least knocked on my door and showed me his handy work, I could have shown him how to smash something in properly:incazzato:
you hit the nail on the head mate they can't have a brain, we need a bit of rough justic allowed here,so victimes can have there day , im all for an eye for an eye :thumbsup:
i did a job in bakwell a few months ago ,the digs car park was 200yards back from the road they smashed side window an stole tom tom ,next morn the police would not even come out to even see the van :thumbsdown:
That seems so extreme!! I would hazard a guess that it's a case of mistaken identity, does anybody in the area have a similar looking van? If not and this is some idiots idea of fun it saddens me to think we have to share our country with such brainless scum.:thumbsdown:
That seems so extreme!! I would hazard a guess that it's a case of mistaken identity, does anybody in the area have a similar looking van? If not and this is some idiots idea of fun it saddens me to think we have to share our country with such brainless scum.:thumbsdown:

Nope its quite common where he lives, its a nice road but its a rat run for all scum from a bad area. his van has been done a few times but not like this.
The last few days before i emmigrated to OZ i was staying with him when my van which i had sold to a friend had its door window smashed and years ago i used to have a 1958 Morris minor van ( dont laugh) and it was stole when my dad borrowed it and parked it outside his house. the scum didnt have teh brains to know how these old cars started by pulling the starter knob on the dash. So i was found just around the corner.
Respect is the right word. It is a sad state when they can't respect other peoples property etc. Just a shame someone wasn't on hand to teach that scrote a bit of respect

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