It makes your blood boil

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you don't need that hassle at 70, sorry to hear that Neale Tell the local rag, embarass the scumbag (not allowed to say s***house) if nowt else
A couple of years ago I was sitting in front room infront of telly and I see a bloke run over the top of next doors car, I get up and see him then jump from the bonnet of next door t the bonnet of mine and I make hast to the front door.

The feller than runs over my car before landing on his face off after slipping off my rear window. He gets up and legs it but I chased him down (barefooted) I rabed the little scroat by his hair and dragged him to the ground, Now i resisted the temptation of using my 10 years of boxing and 12 years of Karate to opena can of whoopass on this ingrate and I ring the cops whist I still have the bloke pinned to the ground in a choke hold.

Eventually the police arrive and arrest the feller, my car has a dented roof and bonnet next doors has also a dented bonnet.

The next I hear they drop the charges !!!! WHY I ask, well hes no fixed abode hasnt any money and it would just cost money to presecute, so the little tool gets away scot free and myself and my next door neighbour have £500 quid in excess on our insurance to pay out .....

Now if i had been a motorist esp a motocyclist breaking the speed limit by a mere 3 mph , id have been cautioned fined and got points - the judicial system in this country has collapsed - I can show you numerous cases of this recently.
A couple of years ago I was sitting in front room infront of telly and I see a bloke run over the top of next doors car, I get up and see him then jump from the bonnet of next door t the bonnet of mine and I make hast to the front door.

The feller than runs over my car before landing on his face off after slipping off my rear window. He gets up and legs it but I chased him down (barefooted) I rabed the little scroat by his hair and dragged him to the ground, Now i resisted the temptation of using my 10 years of boxing and 12 years of Karate to opena can of whoopass on this ingrate and I ring the cops whist I still have the bloke pinned to the ground in a choke hold.

Eventually the police arrive and arrest the feller, my car has a dented roof and bonnet next doors has also a dented bonnet.

The next I hear they drop the charges !!!! WHY I ask, well hes no fixed abode hasnt any money and it would just cost money to presecute, so the little tool gets away scot free and myself and my next door neighbour have £500 quid in excess on our insurance to pay out .....

Now if i had been a motorist esp a motocyclist breaking the speed limit by a mere 3 mph , id have been cautioned fined and got points - the judicial system in this country has collapsed - I can show you numerous cases of this recently.
totally agree with you, the offenders have more rights than the victims these days. nuff said

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