job ruined by a "i dont care idiot"

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Helped out a mate this week on a terrazzo replacement at a well known supermarket chain. Some of there staff there are complete idiots.
Replaced about 150m of floor in different areas,
This has to be arranged months prior to the start of the job,so all there managers get informed asto when we start & the process and we have to keep to our program & not go over.
Once we get there on the first day you inform the manager "that once the tiles are grouted at end of each shift "No trolleys or staff are allowed to enter in the barriered area, but barriers will be removed once store is opened.

Now so far at every start of our shift we have come across that some Plonker has decided that they can do as they please and doesnt give a monkeys about what was told.
Luckily one morning we met the contract cleaners( usually the cleaners are at fault and we where told it was them) we comfronted them and asked politely if this was true it was them.
We found out that it wasnt but one of the Managers there at the store :yikes: they told us that they advised them that the barriers are to stay on the shop floor until 8am, and his reply was " I DONT GIVE A DAMN IM I,M STRAIGHT THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THAT FLOOR WITH MY TROLLEY."
the cleaners said he just kicked the cones along the aisle with barrier tape and pushed his trolley through the middle of our laid floor and let go of the trolley. :mad2::mad2:

This had been going on throughout the job each and every shift.
the area maintenance manager turmed up last night to discuss this problem. he is looking through all the security cameras to see which manager has done this (we know which one but we need the evidence)
If we find the idiot it looks like this prat could well be with out a job :lol: and might even pay to have this relaid :hurray:
Fingers crossed i say more work.
Ive attached some photos but how can you show loose tiles.


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hope u get this sorted bud, we dont need idiots like this ruining our hard work, if the camera proves manager at fault then surely shop must pay for relaying
hopefully we should find out tonight our area manager is on our side on this 1 the store has a bad reputation anyway they had 67 cleaners within a yr cos of bad management
I hope you get this sorted mate
the supermarket chain will be extremely unhappy at paying out for improvements and some numpty employed by them making the job unsafe
if someone was injured as a result they could lose hundreds of thousands in payout and legal fees
if I had an employee with this attitude I would question every area of his work and attitude to others and wonder what else goes on

they will probably let him go for gross misconduct
Good grief Rock. I hope the videos give you exactly what you need to get paid to do this a second time.:thumbsup:
Typical supermarket managers! I suppose we can't tar all with the same brush but I watched a thing on telly about Sainsburry's once and their customer service and how they were being proactive in trying to improve it and customers were pointing out veg isles that were empty on a saturday morning when stock was in the back and they could see through the doors as they swung when staff came in and out even though they were told their isn't any more when asked. Turns out the manager told the staff to say that whilst they needed extra staff for something else (can't remember what but it was far less important IMO).

Hope the camera's catch the git(s).
It should be treated as vandalism againt the supermarket company.
So true our technical area manager has stated that it is damaged to the companies store, and classed as vandalism.
where polishing our last area tonight this had to be regrouted but we all know its gonna look ruined.:incazzato:
P.S sorry bout my first post ty for editing


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