Discuss Just read this and have an opinion please in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


Anto Holland

Hi guys,

Ok so I have come to a forum to discuss this. Last 3 jobs I have done on full bathroom installations working with a plumber. We have had the odd argument as I am or consider myself to be a good tiler....

All tiles have come from B&Q supplied by customer. The last job, the grout line went out slightly so the ceiling have a a row that went into ceiling uneven. Not too bad but hey ho... Anyway, I looke at the second tile in on that wall and its bigger than than the first tile. That's what has knocked the line out. I followed that tile. Ive been having battles with them. They are differ in sizes. Its making my job 10 times harder. Is it me or what? Is this a known factor?

Last 3 jobs with B&Q tiles they all change in size and on this job im using 4m grout line to make it look better (hide it) which I don't like doing.



Anto Holland

No need to get like that. I'm very highly rated pal. GIVE UP!? Any need to say that haha I'm here for advice. I have used 4m grout joints on this one job not them all and it's why I am here because I am concerned about it. Customer is very happy with how they look so far. I'm here because I would like some opinions on B&Q tiles not an arsy repsonse from someone I'm probably miles better then at tiling LOL.

Any decent repsonses welcome



Cheap DIY shed tiles are renowned for it! I take it the set out was to end with a full tile at the ceiling? Not a good option with these types of tiles. I assume you checked the ceiling level prior to starting laying?. 4mm joint is way too big IMO. Best to set these types of tiles with spacers & wedges but use a laser level to keep as straight as possible. Do the boxes state variation in sizes?

John has only given his opinion on the matter. Hope some of this helps


No need to get like that. I'm very highly rated pal. GIVE UP!? Any need to say that haha I'm here for advice. I have used 4m grout joints on this one job not them all and it's why I am here because I am concerned about it. Customer is very happy with how they look so far. I'm here because I would like some opinions on B&Q tiles not an arsy repsonse from someone I'm probably miles better then at tiling LOL.

Any decent repsonses welcome


If you think your miles better than TJ at tiling then as they say, the proofs in the pudding.
Get some photos up & us mere tilers will give you honest & frank responses..

Anto Holland

The ceiling was out luckily I knew that anyway. I do not and would not use 4M joints again on walls unless asked to (which I have been asked to numerous times recently)

Didn't help that my laser level busted on the previous job so I just reverted back to old school way which isn't a problem. Laser level is a luxury anyway.

Never states that they vary in sizes on the boxes.

I shall be forcing Topps tiles onto the customers in future I think.

I know he was only stating but telling me to give up off one post is a joke of a response and disrespectful. I'm here to improve which shows a good worker in itself ;)

Thanks for your response though much appreciated


Will do tomorrow. Im not afraid of constructive criticism, I prefer it to be a better tiler. His response was what lead me to write that. Here to ask to improve not have someone I don't know telling me to give up off one post haha.

If you want "Constructive Criticism" then you are going the wrong way about it, you are leaving yourself open to a lot of grief as if you are a better tiler than TJ then you shouldn't need advice from anyone as you would be one of the country's top Tilers.


Who said I want constructive criticism. ?? I'm open to it yeh if there are issues. I want to be the "countries top tiler" ... whatever anyway. Im off to bed. Long day tomorrow.

Well your title to thread states 'opinion please' and in your first post you state 'Is it me or what?'
There may be some language differences to what you meant, or you hoped that the opinion would be 'no it's not you' but that is the risk you take when you enter a forum in this manner.
Had you said something on the lines of *** on the last three jobs I've carried out I have had problems with differing sizes of tiles, How would you recommend I overcome this*** then the replies might have been a lot different.
I am just a DIYer working on my own property, but this forum has been a great assistance to me. Try a different attitude and you might find things a lot easier.
I always have trouble with there tiles , just explain to the customer what they have bought are not the best, ss for the 4mm joints that is not something I would do im afraid , not a good look on a wall tile , dont take theese comments to harshly, you will get a lot of good help on here ,people are here to help although by some of the posts you wouldn't think so

Andy Allen

Honestly,the first think I do when I go to see a job is quality of tiles.If the tiles varying in size,I leave.Just problems in the end.No point to do it.Usualy the people who buy cheap tiles always pretend the perfect job.
Why just leave? Surely what makes a good tiler is being able to overcome these sorts of issue's.


Why just leave? Surely what makes a good tiler is being able to overcome these sorts of issue's.

I try,too many times to do a good job whith wrong materials.After the job done I'm not happy with result,the client is not happy,so what is the point to do this?Money?Not,you lose more time to fix the cheap tiles then good tiles.Reputation?Noone after couple of weeks tell''Yes,the tiler do a good job with my cheap tiles''.I'm too old to try to do miracle!For miracle,stll searching the tools....Wrong walls?Can be fixed.Unlevel floor?Can be fixed.Wrong tiles?Can't be fixed,just try to do acceptable!
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