THe British standards recommend exclusively the hair hygrometer. This is covered in annex a of bs8204:1:2003 and is referenced in several other standards. When we talk about British standards though we are talking about a guide to best practice. British standards don't "back up" anything. In fact there are areas of the industry which do not have a British standard associated with them at all. People place far too much reliance on British Standards especially when you consider that there are several elements to a floor which are covered in differing standards each in conflict with the others. British standards have no legislative or contractual authority in themselves. If you don't follow them they can't take you o court an due you.
Just because a test is not covered by a British standard does not make it an invalid test. You can measure the moisture in a concrete slab in several ways including a carbide bomb, an oven dried sample, an electronic resistivitity meter, hygro hoods, and several others.
A method simply has to yield accurate and repeatable results in order to be useable. Some of these non British standard methods are covered in other standard documents eg bba certification, European standards, ASTM standards, CSM standards, technical guidance documents and manufacturers standard methods etc etc etc....