:smilewinkgrin: Hey hey!
There's been a turning of events.
I know this might sound a little bad. But ya know how desperate I had become to sort out my tiling mess..lol. I went to Mr Tiler's house - he lives very near my mum. He'd told me that he had some of the same tiles as mine in his garden shed when he was at my house and I decided it was worth a toddle over to have a little chatette. Hee hee.
Well..went over and turns out he didnt have the same size tiles, but he had the same ones in a bigger size..ie..600 x 600. Me thinks...yup..can be cut in two!! Yahoo! So. Am no longer short. Well..I am short...but not of tiles..lolol. :hurray:
You peeps here have been:
Super, duper, superb, great, jolly good, rinky tinky and really rather lovely.
Thankyou. Very much.
I am now tiled and back in order.
:smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin:
Am smiling a bit here...:smilewinkgrin:
Will it be ok if I come back at some point to ask more stuff?? Would be great!!