New Forum Layout

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my normal setting is 1024x768. purley because I believe that is the most common setting nowadays so it helps me with webdesign at the moment

That's correct. We have around 60% of users using 1024 x 768, and all other sizes fall into the 40%. Though screens are getting bigger, when I first started we only had 640 x 480 or something to work with, then we welcomed the move up to 800 x 600. Give it another 12 months and the most used will be 1280 x something (I have 768, 900 or 1200 widths available for that option).

That said, in 1024 x 768 all pages but the forum homepage doesn't stretch per se. And the forum homepage only stretches because some of the long forum names in the sub-forum lists. If I removed those it's straighten out, though then it could confuse members who are used to them being there. So its swings and roundabouts.
i like it dan!:thumbsup: it's a welcome break from trying to put together my on web page as it's driving me mental:yikes:
does this mean we can post photo's a lot easier:lol:
i like it dan!:thumbsup: it's a welcome break from trying to put together my on web page as it's driving me mental:yikes:
does this mean we can post photo's a lot easier:lol:
Posting pictures should be dead easy mate. Especially if they're in your Member Albums. Just view the picture and copy the BB code that's under it into any post and hit enter. As easy as copy and pasting is.
My screen resolution is 1680 x 1050 and the top header looks really empty. But, I do like the new NavBar :thumbsup: Logo is looking good too :thumbsup:


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