Preping for tilers

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Hypothetical situation here, I get a phone call from a contact asking if I can drop by a renovation project and "patch a few walls ,repair some plasterboard etc cos the tilers are on tomorrow/next day. Re boarding is not an option. Ok patches /repairs are sorted and just for a nosey I put an edge across/up the "Good walls." :grin:
The dips between studs can be 5-10ml, so my options are bond it out,bond and skim it, or leave it for the tilers cos my stuff wont be dry enough for tiling on next day .As tilers and given that the job must be done .what would you rather your basecoat from the above be for the following mornings start...Corky
Wouldn't be able to skim it as you say, won't be ready for tiling in that short space of time, the tiler could always patch with rapid set which would be fully cured in 3 hours, but may chatge extra if he hadn't priced in doing any prep work (and might not be too chuffed either).
Don't do anything with it. As tilers, we might moan that walls aren't great but at least we can do something with it. If it's been skimmed then everyones knackered for a quick job.
Ardex AM 100, ready for tiling in 2 hours and designed exactly for this sort of thing.

hey grumps, merry christmas(and to all), where do you get Ardex stuff from? are the prices any good?
Merry Christmas Aveytile, I get my Ardex from Edinburgh Tile Company but they don't stocj the full range of stuff. As yet I have not used AM100 but I have seen it and it is good stuff. Not cheap though! CTD also do Ardex and I have found a supplier online that will ship it -Pisnai plc - but they don't show AM100 in their catalogue. Prices arn't too bad at Edinburgh Tile.

Thanks Grumpy,I allways try and tie up with the tiler before doing any prepping cos have found each to have their own preferences ,for instance 2 weeks ago I reskimmed a few rooms and the owner arranged for a tiler to call while I was on site the owner had all ready slabbed out a bathroom but the window reveals were showing 7" on the head .5" on the sill .I rarely make any suggestions (would have been easy enough to remove plasterboard from external wall and cling it ).the tiler wanted the wall bonded out .
A few days later another renovation walls out 6-10 mill in places ,the developer (same ) suggested bonding plaster as the tiling was starting in 3 days .This tiler wouldnt hear of tiling over bonding.
This is all ok by me when the tiler gets his preferred bed and I do as asked ,but eventually it will come down to my own job and my call so knowing the proper materials when I have to stand over the job is vital.
Cheers all ....Corky


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