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I have L2 L3 nvq wall and floor tiling ,I also have a certificate of experience from the British chamber of commerce which was needed to apply to register to work as a tradesmen in Germany in the early 1990s this entailed showing you were a bonafide tradesmen by providing evidence of where you trained and who by ,listing all the companies I had worked for and showing invoices and payslips from tiling companies, I also had to provide proof of advertising, best thing for me is the fact 2 of my children are both in their twenties and on their birth certificates it states fathers occupation as floor and wall tiler
I look at some of the lads that have worked for me over the years and have gone on to be tilers in their own right ,
most after a year can tile to a reasonable standard on ceramic work and start making money on price ,when this happens they start gaining in confidence and believe they are worth as much as the lads that have been tiling 5 years and sometimes do produce more work ,the biggest problem is they still make lots of costly errors where the more experienced guys dont, I know this is a generalisation and there are gifted individuals who are mustard after a year but and its a big but after a year they still need bottle feeding to a certain extent whereas after 3-5years they dont and can cover anything you give them

The D

I get that there is no real need for them other than for CSCS purposes and I know that having them dose not mean you are any better at tiling than someone without them. In fact some of the tilers that have no qualifications are the ones that have so much knowledge and so much skill and have developed this skill over decades of hard work. But when someone that has no concept of what that actually means asks are you qualified it is nice to be able to say actually I am.

This may go down another path but we are always saying this industry needs to be licensed to protect us and Joe public from the shady characters in the industry but who would the licences be given out to would it be the ones that can prove that they are qualified with there silly bits of paper or would it be the ones without the silly bits of paper??

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

As my thread inspired this thread I would like to say I was by no means "polishing my buttons" just stating that these quals don't exist anymore and that in itself is a crying shame. I for one am proud of my background in this industry.

Without proof of my qualifications I would not have been awarded the CSCS Gold supervisors card or my CSCS Gold Heritage card, and I would not have been considered for the Master craftsman accreditation. In short I have got the bits of paper, but far more relevant, I can do the bl00dy job.

So no, a piece of paper is not the mark of a tiler, but I can tell a good fixer just by talking to them, we all know who we are, and what we are, and where we fit in on the scale. Let us hope this trade of ours is some day respected as it used to be.:thumbsup:

On one

why is that m8 ??
At the time of the on site assessment I had only had my NVQ2 less than a year and was only doing Social Housing work(3 x 150mm x 150mm courses in the Kitchens and Bathrooms,up to the ceilings around the bath if it had a shower)...not exactly very taxing to say the least. The paperwork involved while being very wordy and lengthy had very little relevance to producing quality work.

The D

At the time of the on site assessment I had only had my NVQ2 less than a year and was only doing Social Housing work(3 x 150mm x 150mm courses in the Kitchens and Bathrooms,up to the ceilings around the bath if it had a shower)...not exactly very taxing to say the least. The paperwork involved while being very wordy and lengthy had very little relevance to producing quality work.
Did you produce evidence that you had in the past hit all the criteria required ?? An assessor can make judgements on prier learning and infer knowledge but if there is no evidence then that is not cool .

Things like training centres that falsify evidence and assessors that just pass anyone do the industry and the credibility of the qualification no favours.:mad2:


for a period of 15 years until say 2009 , I had a steady stream of tilers working for me along side my core of employees.
most of these were australians and some stayed 3 months, others came/ went and came back and others stayed for a longer period .
the reason I tended to employ aussies was twofold.
Firstly i had worked and travelled in their country and they always had good attitude to work.
they worked hard,played hard and never let you down and then went off traveling for a bit and i would always have work for them to come back to if given decent notice. they only needed hand tools as i had all the other kit that they would not want to pay out for when travelling.
it worked perfectly for both parties.
the other reason though was that i knew that they had all done the aussie tiling apprenticeship which was a lot of hours .
that ticket was the gold ticket and i didnt consider anyone else without one.
this did not make them good tilers necessarily but they had the basics and i found that i could get any tiler with that qualification and the right attitude to adapt to limestone fixing .
with a couple of exceptions , the rest found the work really interesting as different to home and in fact i am still in contact with many and they find that they are years ahead of the game in aussie when limestone started to come in aussie from china.
so their certificate was important to me as it sorted a lot of the crud out on gum tree in those days .
I did not entertain an eastern european tiler .
You may ask why i did not go for english tilers .
Well the answer is partly because i put one of my employees through the citb course in vauxhall school of building and i think it was the last one they ran and i was appalled by the course.
My employee could not even do a mix when asked by one of my aussies because labourers at the college did it for them!!
In fairness this might have been a time when adhesives were taking over from sand/cement bedding and i am sure that the old school boys had a far better tiling education and THAT QUALIFICATION REALLY MEANT SOMETHING
I would take a safe bet that the aussies set their tiling courses around those in the uk before and they really work.
as an example a qualified aussie tiler ten years ago could lay a screed to falls in a bathroom which was the norm in aussie that he could then tile on to successfully .
the aussies for the most part dont even bother coming here to earn their money for travelling as there is so much competition from eastern europe.
they do their saving in oz now.
i now find myself not employing many extra tilers over and above my employees because of the climate but i will say that i have had some exceptional stone fixers from eastern europe.
I put ads out on gumtree again and had to sift through countless applicants and this was much more difficult as there was a language problem and no recognised qualification.
this did mean trying out more people but i have found some quite extraordinary natural talent that has required longer to train and adapt but the results and long term are the same and these people become employees and stay rather going home much quicker.
in short i think that if qualifications are very important but i am afraid to say that i personally think that they may too easy to achive today just like our school exams and it is hard as an employer to sort out out the good from the norm pass.

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