Discuss qualified tilers in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

sounds like you had a lot of control over a lot of very good fixers who where prepared to do as you asked rather than a bunch of egotistical know it alls....good team!! I hate to blatantly ask phil but i will call one day and hopefully you can explain in more detail your fool proof self levelling method!!!

It took a long time to get the team right Mark, but it was awesome in the end. I have some pics somewhere on here that show my slc methods, I think my post was called "my worst nightmare" I could be wrong.

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Here we go Mark I hope these pics make sense, I make runners to form bays, so slc is spot on much like the old sand & cement screeding.


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The D

Dose a qualification make you a better tiler NO but if you went to an accountant you would expect them to have some form of qualification in that area dose that qual mean they are the best in the world no it is just something to say they can do the job you want them to do without sitting them down and giving them some long division to prove themselves.
We should all have a qualification it would give the trade a bit of respect.
I must admit I am a bit irritated when I here my qualifications mocked and called” lame” “not worth the paper it was written on” “a monkey could get one” “Biggest load of bullfrogs going” It took a lot for me to get and I am proud of the fact I took the time and put the effort in to get them. I know the system is imperfect and I know there have been firms that have exploited loop holes and handed out quals to people that did not deserve it and this has devalued the qual but at the end of the day it is not a thing to say you are the best it is just something to say you can do the job. Something all of us that can do the job should have at our respective levels and they should be easy for us to obtain it is what we do. If you want a qual that only the best of the best can get that is all well and good but we need a level 1 as well.


Deano, you hit the nail on the head about some companies abusing the system and jumping straight through the loopholes, so on paper their men look competent and know what they are doing. I know this is happening, and has been happening for some time, and it undermines the whole system. So my response is , qualifications are good, when you know there is a rigid system in place, the fact is at the moment the system has been and will continue to be abused. But then I have to look at some people who can bearly write their name, and bearly read, and know that they will never pass any kind of qualification, and where does that leave them? I have spent many hours with some of my lads, getting them geared up to take a basic h & s test for their cards. They are not stupid or backward, they can do their work fantastically, but have difficulty in literacy skills. This is what worries me, regulate this trade so they have to sit these exams, and we are in danger of isolating good people.

I would not compare this trade with that of an accountant, that is an academic qualification, this trade is not, its about being that best at your craft, and the work you produce speaks more than any piece of paper.


The D

Deano, you hit the nail on the head about some companies abusing the system and jumping straight through the loopholes, so on paper their men look competent and know what they are doing. I know this is happening, and has been happening for some time, and it undermines the whole system. So my response is , qualifications are good, when you know there is a rigid system in place, the fact is at the moment the system has been and will continue to be abused. But then I have to look at some people who can bearly write their name, and bearly read, and know that they will never pass any kind of qualification, and where does that leave them? I have spent many hours with some of my lads, getting them geared up to take a basic h & s test for their cards. They are not stupid or backward, they can do their work fantastically, but have difficulty in literacy skills. This is what worries me, regulate this trade so they have to sit these exams, and we are in danger of isolating good people.

I would not compare this trade with that of an accountant, that is an academic qualification, this trade is not, its about being that best at your craft, and the work you produce speaks more than any piece of paper.

Lyn I am dyslexic I left school with nothing I could not read or write so I know where you are coming from but the lads that work for you have as much right to the qals as anybody the fact they are not academic is irrelevant that is why the NVQ was invented it is for this type of person to give them a way of being qualified vocation: somebody's job: somebody's work, job, or profession, especially a type of work demanding special commitment.

The NVQ is not an elite qual it is for all in the trade all of your lads can have one and the ones that have problems with the academic side of things will get help
Did my Apprenticeship in the early 70s lost my papers to old in the tooth to start doing NVQ,s just do domestic and refurbs (pays better than site work) I think not having papers does not lessen you as a tradesman years of experience count for a lot,I know of a couple of tilers who have all there NVQ,s and they have only been tiling a couple of years I cant believe how little they know
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