Thinking of a new name for my business, Suggestions ?

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right ive done it, I now am call TOPFIX TILING. Thanks for the suggestions people. Love this website
No More Nails springs to mind but that is taken by another product! Sorry Tysfoot mate, couldn't resist that one....Merry Christmas!:grin:

Wot about something cheesey like Smiling Tiling?

After my first year in the yellow pages etc, I changed my name to AA..........., sorry not going to tell you the rest, then the work came in.
My two cents.....

I've asked this a few times before and suggestions I got back once were to think of the area you'll be targeting and perhaps find some old area specific history info of some sort to play on - locals love it if it's not something too ancient and isn't recognised.

Think of names that the area used to be called that your working in perhaps. Think of any Gem stone names or Stars related to your area / own name / birthday whatever and give those a shot.

Think of some of the types of advertising you'll be doing etc before just going ahead with anything.

We have Staffordshire Flooring around here to name a few and the simplest of names can often be the names remembered subconsiously when the van is in traffic etc. If you're having something like Aqua Burning Super Sauce.... (not tiling related) make sure you have the word Professional Wall and Floor Tiler in HUGE on business cards, vans, shirts whatever.

Check with companies house, check the domain name you want and similar ones are available, check with your accountant or solicitors before buying anything company-wise to make doubly sure you're not treading on toes of an established business.

I'd avoid Tiling 2K8 etc as it's dated and you want to at least give the impression you're going to be around for some time even if you are going to retire in 12 months from the trade. (Harmless not so funny joke).

I'll have a think over the weekend. 🙂


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