Tilers: Why Not Say Good Morning Before Work?

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I can’t be bothered - just read mine that’s all I ask!
I just look to see how many likes I get - 9 is the best so far.
Soooooo - a jolly Good Morning to all you wonderful tiling people and what a great community we are developing these mornings.
Have a good day!
I solved the problem of nuts.
I remember that in 1986/87,
as well as being a half-car, on Saturday and Sunday
I worked on changing tires to cars
from rally.
one night, during a tire change due to rain,
a friend of mine has lost the nuts of a whole wheel,
panicked, I took a nut off the other three wheels,
P.S to the pilot, of course we did not say anything ...
@antonio - was it this type of car/plane?


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