Old Mod
And I read it all !!
Why thank you Andrew, that’s very kind.
Now I no longer feel like ‘Billy no Mates’
And my day is complete. 🙂
And I read it all !!
Why do people like the fact I may of been killed to death on the way to work .
It's when you get killed and die as opposed to what lance Armstrong was told on going to a university hospital to discuss his chemotherapy they said " we are going to kill you then the next day you are going to back and we are going to kill you some more " so valid I think . Or am I just reading that to literally .I do have one question tho Jerry.
May I ask how one can be “Killed to death”? 🙂
I do hope you don’t suffer Aspergers, otherwise my attempt at levity through sarcasm would be lost on you. 🙁........😛