Tiling on to polished porcelain!

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Sounds like the builder is trying to scratch back some money from bodged up attemps by previous tiler............and then, when they start coming loose.............Your'll get the phone call.

Do it right..............Or not at all.

Or walk away :thumbsup:
The customer is very P*** the substrate is SLV UDH laid then SL over this then tiles
the customer is none the wise of the situation other than its the third time now.
the worst thing that can happen is your reputation could go down the toilet when it goes wrong...

as above on everything said..
for the sake of a day rate mate these tiles could be lifted,and the job done properly if hes had it done twice already youd think the 3rd time hed go for the correct route...doesnt seem so hes still trying to bodge his way throo it..id leave well alone
Thanks lads he has excepted this should not be done and has asked me to do it any way with no comeback When or if it goes wrong in the future it could de-laminate this will be put in writing. you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink! would you still not do it?
i wouldnt do it,,id do it if he let me remove the tiles,,better still ask him to remove the tiles for you then it wont cost him a penny more than hes already paying you and the jobs done correctly


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