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Re: U heat

I have just put over 42 boards from Uheat on a bathroom wall for stone tiling...excellent price as well...and i have used thier UFH mat and loose cable systems..:thumbsup:

i must admit that i was sent 1 system once that was dual return...it was great value, but the mesh was almost the same colour as the wire...i pooped myself every time i went to make a cut!!!

i have 20/20 vision and i found it hard to tell the difference between the mat and the cable!!!!

the single core ones do not have this problem!

and i let uheat know my thoughts, so hopefully they would have changed the webbing on the newer dual core mats!!!!
Re: U heat

I only use cable, Just a preference to the mats, I have taken lots of pictures so if i can get my computer head on I will load them up to the forum, here's hoping.

Re: U heat

Dagger, Yea, Blue cable and blue mat. I nearly sliced through the cable when I was trying to trim the mat that had risen through the SLC. However, great company to deal with. They answer the phone. They send quotes within hours, They call you back when they say they will. They deliver on time.......and they reply to threads pretty quick too. I will definately use them again. Can I buy shares in UHeat? Cheers Sean
Moved thread to Electric Underfloor Heating forum - if anybody who's posted already isn't okay with that PM me and I'll shift it back. I just thought uHeat would appreciate this feedback and they don't have access to the Arms.
Even though i do not work for Uheat anymore its great to hear all the good comments that everyone has to say about them!

I know the guys work very hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly so you get what you want when you want it.

Well done to Peter and the Team!!
Re: U heat

they will sell you marmox if you insist!, i have not tried thier own brand yet but as they are a marmox stockist,thier brand must at least be as good if not BETTER!
oh and thier one is bound to be less expensive!!

I know you've read THIS thread because you've replied to it. Marmox and ekoboard can't be compared. One is a tile backer board with 80% insulation properties of the other one (one the 10mm), the other one being a pure insulation board, and what?, say 80% of the cost?!

You do the maths. If you sell marmox to the customer you'll not make much and not really be providing the same quality insulation. You provide ekoboard you make more money, it costs the customer less, AND you have 20% more insulation!

There's no comparison. One's insulation, ones pretty much a tile backer board.

That's my opinion.
Re: U heat

I know you've read THIS thread because you've replied to it. Marmox and ekoboard can't be compared. One is a tile backer board with 80% insulation properties of the other one (one the 10mm), the other one being a pure insulation board, and what?, say 80% of the cost?!

You do the maths. If you sell marmox to the customer you'll not make much and not really be providing the same quality insulation. You provide ekoboard you make more money, it costs the customer less, AND you have 20% more insulation!

There's no comparison. One's insulation, ones pretty much a tile backer board.

That's my opinion.

i am a little confused... do uheat not make a marmox copy?
i have used thier insulation boards and they were great!!
i thought that they also made a backerboard?

a am a big uheat fan...anyway here is the ecoboard in action:


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Re: U heat

the board the Uheat does that is similar to Marmox is called Thermopanel. Available in 10mm Thickness.
Just to clarify

Ekoboard is floor insulation with no reinforcing, available in 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60mm thicknesses

Thermopanel is 10mm Construction Board, similar to Marmox, etc

We also stock 6, 20, 30, 40 & 50mm Construction Boards from Marmox & PCS


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