Discuss update of my bathroom retiled after last mess in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.



my last thread was closed due to some members arguing so ive started a new one with an update on my bathroom re tiled after the lady tiler made such a mess, and sadly the new isn't very good. I was recommended this tiler from a manager of a tile shop I know and I was expecting brilliant job done as he, told me how good he was and how happy I will be instead its a mess and only a bit better than the other womans tiling, but he kept asking me for payment every few days so stupid me paid him apart from £70 outstanding, its cost me 3 times more and im not happy at all, hes supposed to be coming back on weds to do tiny finishing touches but hes unaware how long the snag list is. ive got 2 broken floor tiles already after a wk, cos hes done exactly the same as other tiler where the sub floor stops at bath and door hes not but anything under edge of tiles and 2 have snapped. the tile upside down on my window, he had propped up for 3 days and when he removed prop , within 2 mins it fell in my bath scratching it in 6 places and too bad to get out myself , hes denied tile did that , my the painter has told me hes brother is a bath repair guy and will try and do it, he knelt by bath to look with padded knees and tile cracked hence 1 break , I feel gutted that its not right yet again. some of the probs are below

ive got 2 tiles in my shower facin directly at me with tiny chipped corners which r goin to bug me

hes not siloconed around the shower or sink

hes left the floor tiles edges not packed under hence tiles are breaking and I warned him other tiler had done that and hes done the same

tiles at ceiling all diff heights

hes not grouted behind my door

hes left a raw edge of tile on my cupboard exposed

window all packed with uneven grout at back as cut too short and none of the lines follow the wall

the edgings are all left sharp grr

hasn't put floor tile behind my loo

some of the grouting and silicone hasn't covered the edges of tiles where is cut unevenly

ive got some lips on tiles , some on a new stud wall so no excuses for that wall

hes left tiles covered in smeared grout and hasn't cleaned them after 1 sponge down after he grouted and told me I had to do it

I feel sick to stomach over all this, I cant see how hes going to manage to sort all this out at all, no way I can pay 3rd time to have this redone if he refuses to do it. some would be nightmare to re do, some im going to have to put up with, I cant have the chipped tiles replaced as my showers in place now and its on a stud wall that will come apart as it did last time. im really really upset and annoyed, he wont do anything I ask, I pointed out some of the top tiles have steps where they are different heights and asked for him to re do, hes refused and said will silicone over and I wont notice, im not too happy about this
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update after a mth, getting no where, managed to speak to him 3 wks ago on his home phone said would come and finish and didn't, then I rang left message on answer machine following wk no response, a wk ago left another message saying want to sort this amicably if you don't get back to me in a wk ill take legal advise no reply, so sent him a recorded delivery letter today, listing all the faults and giving him 2 wks to contact me to arrange to fix it or fix it within 2 wks. I think hes not going to reply to that either, ive been well and truly ripped off !!!

tile shop manager answered call a mth ago first time I rang and said tiler had changed his mob would give me new number when he was back in local branch and didn't , ive tried to ring him hes not answering my calls, text him twice and hes ignoring my texts, im really annoyed with him now too, but don't want to upset my daughter as shes seeing his son, and his son told my daughter that his dad said im moaning about nothing bet my bathroom is fine and has told tiler not to come back, and hes not even seen my bathroom or any pics of it so how dare he do that

ive had an independent tiler and he owns bathroom shop come and look over wkend he was appalled and said the job is shocking and picked up more faults I wasn't aware of, the tiling has finished at the door into to hall too short therefore bar will show in my bathroom and all the grouting is different sizes, the silicone is coming off cos hes put it ontop of uncleaned tiles. he said there isn't 1 thing hes done right and looks like a diy person not a professional tiler.

please can I have only helpful replies I don't need sarky replies etc, its upsetting as it is thx , I would rather had no replies than unhelpful told u so ones , I know I was stupid paying so I don't need to hear that.

ive never been to small claims court so any advice on what I need for that etc what be appreciated, ive got some more pics too


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Time's Ran Out

Sounds like you will become the archetypical mother in law to your daughters boyfriend and his cowboy Dad!
Can't see how you will solve this dilemma without taking action against him or his horse.
We do wonder on this forum how customers can be so gullible as to pay for work before completion and total satisfaction as most of us don't seem to get away with doing a decent Job and not having to chase our money!


its cos he kept confronting me asking for money saying he needed for rent etc, made me feel sorry for him and he promised would come back and cos my son in law has worked with him the odd time and tile manager recommended him I thought I could trust , I was obviously wrong and im way too trusting I realise that . my daughters only 14 so its only friendship really but she classes him as boyfriend but shes had a lot of probs and I don't want to upset her any anyway and if I start going in the tile shop im sure he will tell his son etc , things could sadly get nasty and I don't want her upset in anyway shes going through enough prbs . the dad wasn't the tiler he is tile manager of a well known shop and organised this tiler for me

looks like its small claims court, I don't know if I need to get an independent report done etc, im not leaving this , cos I cant afford to have this redone and hes charged me 3 times more than first tiler and the quality of his work is equal crap as hers but lots not so noticeable til u start looking


to be honest I don't know, all he said to me is ive recommended this chap a lot never been a problem hes a nice guy and will help you out, he will give you a good price and ill give him grout, adhesive at cost to help you out, hes got a spare week , so I agreed to meet him , he was a nice friendly and he showed me loads of tiling jobs on his phone, he promised me he was good and would do a good job , and carried on that throughout the work. unfortunately as this was going on I had serious family problems that caused me to not really monitor him as properly as I should have and I trusted he would do a good job, its all backfired on me and I realise ive been ripped off


I just thought it was a good idea to keep the thread updated as to what was going on instead of disappearing and you not knowing the end of things

Very considerate of you sparkle as some on here have spent a lot of their time to your sad saga, but to be honest it was only going to end one way hence why people are tired of updates about your badly tiled bathroom.

Ultimately the only way of sorting this mess is to pay a professional to start from scratch.


to be honest I don't know, all he said to me is ive recommended this chap a lot never been a problem hes a nice guy and will help you out, he will give you a good price and ill give him grout, adhesive at cost to help you out, hes got a spare week , so I agreed to meet him , he was a nice friendly and he showed me loads of tiling jobs on his phone, he promised me he was good and would do a good job , and carried on that throughout the work. unfortunately as this was going on I had serious family problems that caused me to not really monitor him as properly as I should have and I trusted he would do a good job, its all backfired on me and I realise ive been ripped off

I'm sorry Sparkle but you had fair warning when you employed the 1st female cowboy & you knew & were told what to do & what to look out for but even after the 1st monstrosity you still done the exact same again!!

I think the second monstrosity has to lie squarely on your own shoulders & that's the point people are trying to point out to you..


I don't agree, its not my fault the tiler has bodged up my bathroom, all im guilty of is being too trusting and as I said I was having serious family crisis at the time he was tiling, ok I think its time I went , thx to everyone that's helped me , once thread is deleted Ill delete my profile too as this is getting me no where but unwanted comments

So what do you want?
You came on here looking for advice, got advice from some of the best Tilers in the country, (which you basically chose to ignore) then came back on asking for more advice after you got ripped off again!!
Who would you say is to blame?
I'm sorry but once bitten twice shy.
You have just been educated at the school of hard knocks.

I will tell you why I believe people are ****ed, I for one even spoke to my mrs about coming down & doing the job for free for you as I hate seeing people getting ripped off & I think a few others would have done the exact same as we are passionate about our trade!!

You learned nothing from the 1st debacle.
Defiantly, but you have to shoulder a lot of the blame.


Sparkle, you have read my response in a completely negative way. It was not at all rude...

"Very considerate of you"
I meant this sincerely as I know some have given you a lot of responses

"Sad saga"
It is exactly that, not at all pleasant for you

"It was only going to end one way hence why people are tired of updates"
Abrupt yes, but true, not rude. You only have to read the responses to see this.

"Pay a professional to start from scratch"
The only way to get it sorted

All the best


no one offered to help do the tiling cos I wasn't within anyones location !!!, and I wouldn't expect anyone to work for nothing either and would have paid someone. no way I expected a tiler recommended to me from a tile manager to be so bad. can someone delete this plz, cos I can see its just winding members up and this is upsetting me too thx

Ash contacted you??

Reply to update of my bathroom retiled after last mess in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com

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