Whats the biggest job you have done

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got between £3500 -£4000 a week while over there but needed it. the camp was under armed guard and was a bit nerve wracking to say the least! but i would go back for the same money. only need 6 weeks to earn enough for nearly a years work:hurray:
The bathroom showroom I'm doing at the moment has 28 suites plus staff and public toilets,I went in the warehouse to count the boxes of tiles so I could see how much there was.......260 boxes(sqm):whatchutalkingabout .

On a day rate of 130 and the place is a 5 minute walk to my house,not had to go at any great speed either,this is a top spec job and will send alot of well paid work my way in the future.......back of the net.:grin:
whats vibration tiling ???

havnt heard of that one before

quite willing ta vibrate for £4000 a week though

Hello, its tysfoot again

just wondering Whats the biggest tiling job you have done, how many sm

I quoted this woman today for 55 sm for a bathroom, walls only, massive bathroom

Just waiting for her to get back to me

A subway 120 m2, health and safety a nightmare
ealing broadway shopping center n barbacain

witha gang of other grumpy tilers

loadsa m wassa apprentice then hadda knock all the sand n cement up then :thumbsdown:

ahmen for moden materials

Hello, its tysfoot again

just wondering Whats the biggest tiling job you have done, how many sm

I quoted this woman today for 55 sm for a bathroom, walls only, massive bathroom

Just waiting for her to get back to me

Owning a bathroom with that size of walls indicates the customer has cash which may also indicate very nice tiles (or maybe not). Maybe some nice 60 x 30 porcelains, if that is the case Tysfoot then if i was you i would steer clear. A job of that size when just starting out would be bloody daunting. May do a fantastic job mate but a 55sqm bathrrom within the first weeks of starting out seems a little to much in my opinion.
Good luck getting it anyway mate if you want it.
Do you know a pro tiler who could do the job with you t/foot?...being a newbie.,I wouldn't like to hear of another disaster from you....you are already reason for concern......I mean that in a caring way.....Gaz


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