You favourite tool of the last couple of years

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Either the pads or pen for marking ☝️

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Tiling tool Sigma cutter.
Other tool my 12v Bosch mini circular saw, still on its original blade with a tooth missing and still cuts clean after a good 2.7 years, needed to rough cut a 40mm worktop and it flew through okay you need to turn it over and cut through both side but the first cut acts as a guide.

A no brainer tool purchase really as its much safer than its bigger brothers.
I’ve seem that range of 12v gear from Bosch and it looks pretty good. I already have a couple of 12v batteries, a drill/driver and the impact driver and very nearly bought the mini circ. it looks really handy. They also do a little router, grinder and various other ‘mini’ tools. Very handy when working in small spaces. Quite tempted to get a few more bits bit really can’t buy any more gear as it’s getting silly now.
Do these Snickers trousers last better than Scruffs etc?

Are they worth the premium?
I’ve had 3 or 4 pairs of the old Snickers floorlayers with the bean kneepads but they are so heavy and feel like you are away to bat at the Oval. The Snickers flexi are light and the best fitted and comfortable trousers I’ve ever worn and the new X knee pads are thin and lightweight but stay in place and very comfortable and don’t crush or flatten over time
Do these Snickers trousers last better than Scruffs etc?

Are they worth the premium?
I’m not sure if I have tried this exact style but have had many pairs of the floor layers (kevlar woven i to kneed section)
And others. The knees do last well. I could go through the knees in most work trousers in 1-2 months. The snickers would last 6+ so probably no more expensive in the long run. Trouble is after 6 months they look crap as covered in, Adhesive, grip fill, Silicon, blood, sweat and tears.
If we're including clothes,it would have to be my two pairs of dewalt work shorts from screwfix in the summer along with my new snickers floor layer to be comfy in work.
Tool wise,it would be the refina megamixer to replace my last one which was at least fifteen years old.I tried a cheaper mixer from topps tiles( with my topps points )but within week was on he phone to refina to order my new whisk.


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