You know you're a tiler when.....

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My habit is when driving anywhere with another person is sayin "Tiled that pub" "Tiled those houses over there" " I did that mosaic on the front of that shop" etc etc............its amazing how many people are not interested in listening to me:whatchutalkingabout
back to the question,you know your a tiler when-your tools are covered in adhesive because you have finished late and cant be bothered cleaning them.Also when your car or van becomes an absolute tip,im sure im not alone here so c'mon be honest.
Van's a mess bri..i have just finished this morns job and when my son opened the back doors first thing he laughed and said had i parked my van down the local tip coz its that messy in the back.... will clean it t/moz....probably...:lol:
My habit is when driving anywhere with another person is sayin "Tiled that pub" "Tiled those houses over there" " I did that mosaic on the front of that shop" etc etc............its amazing how many people are not interested in listening to me:whatchutalkingabout
Funny that.............

back to the question,you know your a tiler when-your tools are covered in adhesive because you have finished late and cant be bothered cleaning them.Also when your car or van becomes an absolute tip,im sure im not alone here so c'mon be honest.
Learnt my lesson the hard way about not cleaning my tools Bri. never again will I spend an entire sunday afteroon chipping off adhesive from my trowels and buckets. I aways try to clean when finished now.:yes: Car can be a mess though!

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you are so right albert. Spent many a sleepless night thinking about a job I was currently doing. I have also started to do tile patterns in excel on my pc. Wife thinks I'm bonkers!!!!!!!!
Watched Identity(Film) the other night and there was a convict who had been chained to the toilet to stop him escaping. Couldnt help but notice the grout lines didnt run true!! - Lol
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Re: You know you're a tiler when.....

You go to IKEA and take hands full of the free pencils they provide from the dispensers, because they'll come in handy in your tool bag!!!

... as for Eastenders, I don't know the family characters names but it's the white guy (Phil Daniels?) married to the black lady, well they got some terrible, awful looking white mosaic tiling in their kitchen and one spot near the cooker the grout lines don't meet.
I,d like to add myself to the sad list.On a lads holiday in spain playing golf and all i did was look at all the swanky villas around the courses and commented on material selection - it got so bad when we went to somewhere new they other boys started guessing how i would grade the tiling.:lol: I not only check grout lines and patterns i always touch the corner joints on walls and scuff my shoes on floors to catch high spots.Need a life:8:
Well it problably means your in the right job for starters lads n lassies,once you start you never let go.........:grouphug:
You know you are a tiler when you have tiled floor in kitchen, dining room, and conny,after running UFH cables.( around large island unit as big as Lancashire )... in modular pattern layout ( 20 x 20..20 x 40..40 x 40 & 60 x 40 ) met up to the mm around island....cut skirts from same tile in all areas...( total 60 mtr )grouted...polished up, got payed above your quote .Gone to pub,won at pool,got home and had leg over....THEN....beep beep beep beep beep beep,Switch alarm off and do it in reality..........bugger.......:mad2:


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