Discuss any advice re bad tiling job would be appreciated in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



i really appreciate all your kind words and advice, i might do that, but i know she will lie as shes already lying in her emails to me, shes not been back since ive complained as she wants £200 upfront, but she said any thing thats not her fault like walls out, floor not laid right to edges although she should have put an inch of adhesive under edge not left with nothing she is not going to re do unless i pay her, shes also said i told you walls were out before i started which she didnt , so some of these issues are my word against hers, but the evidence of her tiling is there to see clearly
this cowgirl needs shot for doing this to you.

when ordering more tiles you will have to ask them for the same batch and shade number so that they match.

Because the tiles are in brickbond if they are bowed they will be difficult to get a nice finish. I generally tell the customer this and they usually go with having them landscape and inline. I wish you the best of luck.

Sean SML Tiling

Direct her to this forum & tell her to browse through the pictures & then she will maybe learn something about tiling.
In fact direct her to this thread & I will tell her what's wrong with her tiling,
Cowboys like this do my nut in..

Dont direct her to this forum as she will read a few threads think shes a tiler amd go do another shocking job. Me personally id keep all her gear threaten negative feedback on her profile and go to small claims to recover cost of tiles amd ufh. Maybe then she will never touch another tile. People need to be punished when they produce work like this! My rant done for tonight think I need a stella now


Those tiles are far too large to be fixed with a ready mixed adhesive.
Max tile size is 300x300.
You are going to have to take her to court if she thinks this is an acceptable standard of work.


shes just left her tile cutter here i think , i can do without all this to be honest and the thought of having all this re done and finding another tiler thats reasonably priced and having to take her to small claims court is a nightmare, its stopping electrician and plumber coming back and they are both real busy , i dont have enough money to rebuy all these tiles adhesive grout and pay someone else to remove tiles and re do them all , its going to megga bucks


i bought the ready made adhesive so i guess thats my fault although she should have known and told me and not used it, the adhesive hasnt caused the problems its her mis alignment of the tiles that looks so horrendous and putting 2 chipped tiles on walls and thinking thats acceptable , then denying it and saying ive chipped them after she went omg cheeky mare lol

Sorry the adhesive will cause a problem as it won't dry out under that size of tile.
There's a lot more wrong with that job than a couple of mis aligned tiles & a couple of chipped tiles.

Reply to any advice re bad tiling job would be appreciated in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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