Discuss Are you a healthy tiler ? in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.



Our industry especially those that are of the older generation will have suffered or will suffer from health issues related to tiling at some point I would have thought.
I feel the main or common areas of concern are,

Bad knees , some more serious than others !
Dermatitis, due to cements etc
Cuts that can go bad if not treated.
Silicosis from inhalation of dust borne particles.
Eye injuries.
Back problems.

There probably are more but how many of us have taken precautions against them.
For a while now I have worn knee pads , not all the time though.
I am terrible with cuts but seem to have a high resistance to infections.
Had my fair share of back issues but usually just muscle related and my own fault to be honest for going at it like a young un.....although the back always seems to go when least expecting it and doing no more than turning my body.

I guess at a later age in life I think I am immune and always scoffed at H&S .
So how many wear full PPE , safety glasses, ear defenders, Dust masks, knee pads etc


I have another one to add, after a few long job particularily ones where lots of cutting was involved, my skin on my face really started to look bad, red and rash-like, turns out it's the little tile shards hitting me even though I wear goggles and ear defenders, this was mainly my forehead, wet cutter spits them out like crazy :) Guess it depends where you stand too relative to blast water/shards.
always wear ear and eye protection when power cutting, been using knee pads in Snickers trousers for 20+ years, always keep workplace hoovered out to keep dust down, been using washboys for as long as I can remember to keep dust down-I know a lot of old boys used to dry rub grouting afterwards, rarely get cuts even tho I don't wear gloves, my back does have the usual strains if doing floors for weeks on end tho.


Not to bad,back ache, knees ache,elbows more than owt ,but nothing to moan about.
I don't wear glasses,masks or ear muffs,never have,just boots and knee pads.
But I've always trained ,still do circuits 3 times a week,hit a bag for a few rounds every week,do a bit of roadwork, so keep myself reasonably fit , ish :)
Never been to doctors through work ,only go doc's for my blood pressure check,been on meds since the early 90s ,only been hospital through self inflicted stuff (drunken toy fighting,snapped shoulder,bleed on brain from sparring)
but give it another ten years (54) I gotta feeling i will be a bit knackered ,so may move abroad and retire if things go to plan :)


Being reasonably new to tiling, I've tried to make sure that I wear as much of the H&S as possible, particularly when using the wet cutter, (gloves and glasses). I've just bought a grinder, so I've also bought some ear defenders.

Whilst I've got some De Walt knee pads that go into the knee pockets of my trousers, I'm going to invest in some decent ones, like red backs, which I've read on here are far better. The post a few weeks ago by Doug has put that purchase down as a no brainer.

TJ Smiler

My only major problem is my left knee, i'm in constant pain with it and even worse when i'm doing floors. I was in the Army and have been a scaffolder and boxed for quiet a long time so my knees have taken a right battering over the years. Have noticed though that is has got worse very quickly since i been tiling.

Apart from that i'm a bit like Widler, i do look after myself and still train a fair bit which probably don't do my knee any favors!!! in general am in pretty good shape.... apart from a tiny beer gut that i am really trying to improve on, but it seems that no matter how much i drink the little buggar will just not get any bigger :lol:. Where a dust mask most of the time but never use glasses, ear protection or gloves.


My only major problem is my left knee, i'm in constant pain with it and even worse when i'm doing floors. I was in the Army and have been a scaffolder and boxed for quiet a long time so my knees have taken a right battering over the years. Have noticed though that is has got worse very quickly since i been tiling.

Apart from that i'm a bit like Widler, i do look after myself and still train a fair bit which probably don't do my knee any favors!!! in general am in pretty good shape.... apart from a tiny beer gut that i am really trying to improve on, but it seems that no matter how much i drink the little buggar will just not get any bigger :lol:. Where a dust mask most of the time but never use glasses, ear protection or gloves.

When/where who for did you box tj?
I was in the late 80s early 90s for sandygate ABC in burnley .
Id still train/spar now if it was not for said head bleed , wife would go mad if i sparred now :(
Ive got a bit of a gut, can't get shut of it, no matter how much i drink :)
im doing 'total warrior' in june so the major traing starts next month ( im on a stag do in portugal as well end of april :) should be good training )

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