I always give a m2 price plus materials and a day rate for prepping and it is all individually listed in the quote that I leave with the customer there and then.
I must say that the comments made about site sub contractors was little harsh I'm sure that most of them can hold there own when it comes to domestic work as most of them do domestic work on the weekend.
I must say that the comments made about site sub contractors was little harsh I'm sure that most of them can hold there own when it comes to domestic work as most of them do domestic work on the weekend.[/QUOTE]
Im speaking from experiance on this one, the sites have slowed right downand im having to compete against m2 wages prices
not the m2 wages plus overheads plus profit price
the ex subbies that understand what they are pricing for are not a problem
its the ex subbies quoting m2 sitework prices and getting the work that are putting downward pressure on the market
instead of your price being in the same area as the others if a little higher maybe
your price can be three times the lowest price and a lot higher than the next
are you going to drop your rates and compete on price...........im not
I dropped my m2 price 6 months ago not by a lot but enough to keep the work coming in. I am now in the position that I have a bit to keep me going and am not fitting for the jobs. But if the work starts to run out and I do end up in a price war with the site subcontractors, they will find that I can match anything they have to offer and then some.
not everybody is tempted by cheap? even in this economic climate..if i think something is too cheap, alarm bells ring and i automatically think why??
do a good job, gain a good rep thats all you can do....
I am by no means cheap and as far as the customers are concerned most of them are not stupid and they have don there homework to find the going rate no one wants to pay more than they have to. The way I see it is I am a tiler it’s how I make my living I do not do anything ells so if the going rate is £**.** m2 then I have to find a way to make my living at that price. The time wasters will fall by the wayside and the good times will start again but for now I will just plod on as I always do.
I agree Deano
if you shave a bit off your profit or reduce your own drawings but can still cover your overheads and produce a quality job then you wont do any damage to your business
the main thing is that your not cheap and wont be perceived as such
dont think for one minute i was calling you cheap..i know you do quality work..
my post was just expressing a view that if you keep your levels of work to a certainstandard and aim for a certain market then you dont always have to go lower and lower regarding prices thats all ....