Waht do you want in the poll?
Great I've cast my vote, no need to wait for others, make it happen NealeTaDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
ok, I'll go back to my corner again then....:35:TaDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
ok, I'll go back to my corner again then....:35:
Waht do you want in the poll?
Awwh, Russell, I'm too late to say! I was in my studio....what I really wanted was:
Would you like a bookmark/add to favourites option for threads and posts?
'To the forums' seems a bit confusing to me, but Sireeee, I am grateful :smilewinkgrin: - and ehmm, can you change the wording or is it too late? and keep the amazing number of votes so far? :lol:
Please don't go back in your corner, Grumpy..🙂
Happy now ? :smilewinkgrin: