Discuss Customer From Hell in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

John Benton

Phil, Phil, Phil. DO NOT let her get away with this. You MUST invoice her and pursue this to it's end. I would guarantee that she has done this before and will continue to do so if you walk away. Many more may suffer, why should you not get paid for it. She wouldn't go to work and not get paid for it.

Don't forget Phil, we freely throw advice to Joe Public and tell them to pursue cowboy builders to recompense them for poor/bad workmanship. You've done everything right and you should be paid.

Why not go to CAB and get some free advice, trading standards with your photos and ask them if they think your work is shoddy and your mitres poor.

Please think about this Phil before just writing it off as a bad debt.

Good luck mate!!!

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

don't forget, our long standing member Oli had a very similar issue with a customer of his going back some years. Oli wrote a whole thread about it, about what action to take, legal support, small claims court etc. Oli won his case and received the payments he was due plus a little bit more. it was worth it.

Thanks Liz, I really appreciate all your help, you are good people, honest hard working people.

I would feel so alone without you guys and gals, I will try to get over this, but it may see me off.


Phil, I am sorry that I havent put my 2 penny worth of opinion in, but I have my own nightmare going on right now on a big contract. So yes I am with you on the sleepless nights part. Phil you know me, and I tell it straight. You cant let this drop, and I'll tell you why, because if she does it to one person, she will do it to the next. Sometimes you have to stand up to these type of spoilt little up themselves non entities. You have to take this on the chin and go for the jugular, do not take this lying down. Draft the letter up and send it recorded post, do not get into the nitty picky parts put it down factually, as you may need to revert back to that letter if it goes down the legal route.

Keep your chin up and retain your dignity at all times, do not give into this manipulating bully.



send the invoice and any follow ups, by recorded delivery and put the bar coded/ proof of posting part on a piece of paper, with a copy of the invoice/letter and date and sign it, as '' this is a true copy of the invoice/letter sent to ............., by recorded delivery on ( insert date) proof of sending is attached'' send a chase up after 7 days with a pay before date included, and put '' court proceeding will be commenced on ( put the next day after the pay before date) ''

good luck there are people out there that never intend to pay.

Andy Allen

This sleepless night thing is catching, Im up fretting over work related stuff as well. Why do we put ourselves through it? Must love what we do....just hate the aggro it brings sometimes.

Tell about it im trying to get final payment on a 120m job and guess what she rang last night to say there's a few issues that need sorting.

Unbelievable I walked through the job with her on wednesday and she was saying what a good job ive done now all of a sudden when it comes to paying things change.

Lucky ive had a payment on this job still owed over a grand though


Don't let it drop mate, send her an invoice, with a clear payment deadline, make it clear you do not accept the work is under par. Give her say 14 days to pay. Then send her a letter before action. Then if still no payment file a small claims case via money claim on line, the county court online system. She's taking the proverbial and trying to get free work. I hate people like this with a passion, the cow that tried to do me over got it stuck up her big time by the court system and a bailiff on her door step. Funny, she though she could rip off me and some other trades, didn't take the stuck up £&@) long to pay the others once the neighbours in her posh little village saw the bailiffs van on her drive and clamp on her car!!


Phil. Doesn't sound like you have sent her an invoice yet.
You have to do this.am I right in thinking that you gave a day rate only verbally.
that does make it more difficult for you but this lady cannot pay you nothing for work you have done .
she may think that you have taken longer than she think job merited but it certainly doesn't mean that the work you did nhad no worth at all.
if you go through the process of going to same claims I can guarantee that she will want to come to an agreement before it goes to court.
she is not stupid and will know that it will not be accepted Ina court that she paid nothing for your services.
it is also fact that if she has any grievances about quality of work she has to give you a chance to rectify if you want to before getting anyone else in.
if she gets someone else to rectify what she perceives to be wrong she has lost already.
Get the process started , you don't have to talk to her , better not and she will soon change her tone .


Phil, I noticed in another thread (as well as this one) that this incident has hit you really badly both financially and emotionally which is completely understandable. If I were closer I would take you out for a drink...a problem shared is a problem halved after all.
I know this is still very raw and fresh but please do listen to some of the advice some on here have given you. Don't give up mate. Your work is some of the highest standard on here and your passion is tiling. All the best Phil.


Chin up Phil. We have all had one of these customers I think. I've had sleepless nights just laying there really stressed out and doubting my skills. It makes you feel like complete **** but u MUST pick yourself up. I didn't bother doing all the legal stuff with my nightmare customer because I just wanted to forget it but it was only 1 week lost but every time I drive past her house my blood boils slightly!
Pick yourself up and go find some nice creamy jobs where u get tea and biscuits and even toilet facilities! (Yes they still exist...somewhere!)


Diamond Pool Finishers

Phil this is a few thousand pounds at the most !, i have someone trying to take-me for my house !, get a grip and carry on mate , i have to do it everyday i open my eyes, never give-up !! the Barstewards will try and grind you down, i have wondered why me ! why did i ever get involved !! but its the nature of being self-employed,there are peeps out there that by there nature are pure evil and we have booth met them Good luck mate and get on with your work and put it behind you :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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