Discuss Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365Car in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

This is the one we have fitted to our smart and van

HD 1080P Car DVR Vehicle Camera Recorder Video Dash Cam G-Sensor HDMI GS8000L | eBay



Not saying its great or anything but we paid £30 each for the dash cams. Then £10 each for the SD cards. And also £7 for an extra cigarette lighter adapter to fit them. Otherwise they hog the gig lighters and I cant plug in the SatNav.

So far they seem to do OK.

Just bought one. :)

White Room

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

another one. you are waiting on junction. car in front of you reverse into your car. " people from front car blame you that you did not keep safe distance and hit them. if you dont have dash cam you are in trouble. if you got a cam - tell them to GTF

Also some have a switch which turns off the brake lights, they brake no lights and bam...

Deleted member 1779

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

Whoooo have fun with it Dan!!!


I also bought this Cigarette lighter adaptor (ebay) so that I didnt have to cut the cables off the DashCam Cigar Lighter Socket.

It was very easy to wire in this unit to my exisitng Cigar Lighter.

Note: Call me an IDIOT if you must.... But when I first installed the dashcam I thought it would be really easy to wire it into the internal light of my van. But of course the power goes off when you shut the door and so does the dash cam!! OK OK so rookie mistake.

You all knew to wire it into your existing cigar lighter circuit didnt you...


This is the one I bought for less than a £10-er

Link to it
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Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

They may be a very handy tool if you were involved in an accident that wasn't your fault and the other party is trying to blame you, the camera never lies.

Over 80% of impact road traffic accidents come from behind so a dash cam would probably not be much use. They come from behind generally because people drive too close too fast. The idea of pulling out on a junction because someone flashes his lights is just madness. It means you as the flashee are allowing the flasher to make the decision for you. As a responsible driver you should make the decision as to whether it is safe or not. You do that by judging their speed and direction and making adjustments to your own actions and driving style to compensate for what they are doing not by whether they flash their lights. What if they did it by mistake... If I allow someone into my traffic flow where I have priority I will never flash my lights to let them in.... I will slow and stop if its appropriate. I will then allow them the time to asses the situation and make their own decision. If I flashes them and they pulled into the traffic and someone else ran into them as a result I would be culpable. As for the camera never lies.... The camera lying is the basis onpf the vast majority of feature films these days. The camera may not lie but the film can be manipulated to say what you want it to say. If you feel safer and more protected by having a dash cam then that is fine but it is no substitute for driving defensively and safely.

Deleted member 1779

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

Yes one of the downsides of having a front facing dashcam is that any rear shunt wont be filmed. So it may seem a waste of time.

But on the positive side if you are shunted what the cam WILL film is
a) Your car jolting or jerking at the moment of impact.
b) The road conditions
c) The lighting
d) The circumstances in front that was causing you to slow or stop.

Obviously a rear shunt is always 100% the driver behind to blame so having a dashcam is surplus to the burden of proof. But for less than £30 its probably good for some to have a rear facing cam as back up.

The thing where the Dash Cam can help on insurance is for example if a car in front actually reverses up and into you. I have had this happen to me. I was at a roundabout and the car in front made the exit out onto the roundabout and I started to follow. He then changed his mind !!!! And decided to REVERSE backwards. But obviously I am behind him and there is a car behind me. Luckily he saw me and stopped. But it was a heart stopper... If he HAD reversed and crashed into me he would have sworn on his insurance I had rear ended him.

Referencing Peters point and yes I have made a couple of driving mistakes.. No need for the cam to record those!!

Dash Cams are not the ultimate protection and NOTHING beats good sensible driving but it is there for those time when you may be doing everything right and something outside of your control happens to you. For me spending £28 and an hour to fit the unit seemed good value.

David - Tradetiler

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

I have been using one of these in the video below (about £70)

used it and videoed a guy on a forklift with no number pates while using his mobile phone and another car driving towards me the wrong way up a one-way street

This youtube guy has some great dash cam reviews


Deleted member 1779

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

Yes I wonder if there could be a website created to loadup all the filmed footage of wrongdoing!

Would keep the Police busy instead of sitting targeting speeding motorists.

Over to you Dan.... Forum creation Guru. Dashcam999.com is free !!!

Bet it would take off like wildfire! (Just give me a cut of the profits Dan!!)


Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

I have been using one of these in the video below (about £70)

used it and videoed a guy on a forklift with no number pates while using his mobile phone and another car driving towards me the wrong way up a one-way street

This youtube guy has some great dash cam reviews

That guys videos are very good, easy explanations etc.
Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

Not a dash cam post, but recentally set my camera up to take time lap pics of a bathroom install. Left it over the entire week and just found out that customer used a towel to cover it whilst using toilet. (thought i was recording them).
Had a good laugh about this with customer and thought i should share.
14 Cameras per person in this country I now understand the towel.
Changing my company's name to Big Brother Bathrooms.


Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should not have a dash cam and for £30 it sounds like a great idea but for my part I have to go on defensive driving courses regularly because of the miles I do. I have realised that I used to drive pretty poorly and have picked up loads of tips and tiricks to keep safe. I drive much more carefully (which is not the same as driving much more slowly) and sent feel the need for a dash cam myself.

John Benton

Re: Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365C

No points on mine, had a few in the past though

Mainly for speeding, but got 3 for a debatable red light, caught by unmarked car, also 3 for 'cross hatching' at 3mph, could've knocked the copper into next year for that one.

Reply to Dash Cams. Do you have them? We have them in the 365Van and 365Car in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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