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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Oh yeah, I've had that. loosing a trowel I had in my hand 2 minutes ago. Look for 20 minutes and it comes back from la-la land and is exactly where I left it again. Very strange.

And pencils! Don't ask me about pencils! - They come and go from another dimension. I used to loose a good 3 a day. Then find them all in the van/toolbox/washboy/whatever - that's spooky!


couple off things happened too me.

When i was very young my nan died and i was pretty close but didnt want too see her in hospital. Too which i got guilt tripped about all the time.
One night i was a sleep and had a dream that i was in an orange room with a table and a chair with a phone on top my the phone rang and it was my nan who told me it was ok that i didnt want too see her at her lowest ebb and we had a chat.

Ok not that strange but then I was woken up by my actuall house phone ringing (about 2 am) and it was my sister in tears telling my mum about the dream shed just had it was my nan walking with her in a grave yard. The second she hung up the phone rang again and it was my other sister who had had the same sort off dream!

Another one was a couple off years ago my mates mum who was completly normal used to tell us about the house being haunted and shed seen an old man in the house (a few jokes came off this) his dad didnt believe it and it went on for years. oine night we were all down stairs when he came down white as a sheet (his dad was that scary his nightmares were scared off him) And sat quitley shaking abt we got it out off him that he was on the bed and a old man and a young lass came in hunched over sat on the bed and started crying. Too which he legged it down too us. as he was telling us the TV turned onto static (no it wasnt plugged in) and a vase flew across the room it didnt fall it litterally flew. and smashed against the wall.

They had a lady come in who dealt with these ghost things and she said theres a room in the house you dont know about, this house used too be a victorian surgery or doctors or summat the people you are seeing are from this. so we set out looking for this room. The house had been converted into 2 at some point and was a back too back the second half off the basement was sealed up and when we noked it through there was a big stone table in the middle.

Wether people believe it or not i know its true as i saw it!:prrr:


Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Only altered. Undeniable physics.

So when we die, I believe the energy of us still lives on, just changes to another form - we are more energy than solid matter, so the body dying means nothing much at all. This is such a huge subject, and also there has been so much recent research of parallel universes, did you know that even now computers are being developped that can talk to each other in different dimensions? And this by the ministry of defence, we know a guy who knows... a LOT of money is spent on this.

I can feel my late twin brother sometimes, or someone else in the room, and Howard does, too, many visitors remark on a presence in our house, but it's not a bad feeling, just kind of belongs there. What does it matter if the our brain or someone else's brain has abilities to make things happen, well some of us have the ability to pick up on energy easier than others. Just becasue we don't perceive everything all the time doesn't mean it's not there.

I used to have a 1st floor flat in the middle of town, and sometimes just for fun I would look at people walking by in the street, they couldn't see me, and some kept turning around, obviously feeling watched, and some others just walked on, probably never felt anything at all. Find it fascintating, this is just one example of picking up on energy, why should it be different for a suitable wave length from the energy left by someone who's body had died, or something that is about to happen, or something that is maybe happening in a parallel universe right now...? If we couldn't pick up on energies our instincts would be non-existent, because that's exactly what it means, so when we go to a place and feel creeped out there is a reason, we have been given those abilities to protect ourselves. I can't run very fast but I can smell trouble a mile away, probably just as well, it all balances out.

The confusion to my mind is not that there are energy fields from history, places, people, occurences like accidents, shocks or great joys and devotions, but the labels given to it all, and when we witness something unexplainable we try and make sense of it within the confines of this very limited rational mind of ours, who cannnot usually explain any intuition or instinct in the first place, even love or chemistries between people can hardly be explained.

I went to one of those clairvoyant evenings once, didn't reckon much on the woman on stage, very staged, but two seats away from me sat a woman in here 70's and in the breaktime she said to me, I'm sorry I hope you don't mind me saying, but you amused your late twinbrother today, he is still laughing as he is telling me. I was really shocked and sceptical and cross all at the same time, and I say oh yeah, how's that? And she said, you tried and tried and tried to get this ink stain off the wall today (which I had, and even when you tried to overpaint it, it kept comign back through, he thought that was highly amusing. And he really likes the flowers you hung up in the staircase.

Both were true, that green fountain pen or felt tip ink stain I had struggled with that day, and the hanging basket with flowers I had hung in the staircase. She knew. Totally genuine woman, we became friends after that, and every now and then she would come out with something that was just obviously not made up. And she couldn't conjure it up, she said she has no abiltiy to do that, stuff just comes in her head, she can't MAKE it happen, but she can hear and see the people talking. And she told me what I could do, too, and she is right, sometimes I just know things, but again, it's totally spontaneous, to my mind it's something about certain frequencies we can just tune into and others we can't. Not that dissimilar to radio or tv waves, who really believes that until they see the proof?


hmm! nicely out mosaicgirl..and i do know that people certainly do tell us about things they wouldnt normally know..the question is by what power do they do you say,its a far bigger subject to be able to deal with here..but remember that"the living are concious that 1 day they will die,but the dead are concious of nothing at all" if you except this to be true ,then by what force are these people telling us about "our" loved one and for what reason...!? to perpetuate a believe in us that we go on to another side...form..entity!...this way we lose our way in reconising the true path,and message..."some seed shall fall in the thickets...and shall believe but for a time,until the weeds and thorns press them in and they fail".."and some shall believe yet for a season,but will fall away due to the cares of this world"...there is a life...and 1 to whom it has be given to impart it on behalf of the god of all..."if i tell you of earthly things,and yet you do not believe them,nor understand shall yee understand heavenly things..there shall be a day when i shall talk with you plainly and not in parables...and you shall know who i am,for you shall keep my commandment and abide with me as i abide with him and we shall become one,and know this ,that my flock shall be known by the love they have amongst themselves..and now i go to a place where you cannot follow,but i shall not leave you comfortless..but i shall send a helper" and he shall teach you and bring to min d all the things i have taught you until the end times":hurray:


hmm! nicely out mosaicgirl..and i do know that people certainly do tell us about things they wouldnt normally know..the question is by what power do they do you say,its a far bigger subject to be able to deal with here..but remember that"the living are concious that 1 day they will die,but the dead are concious of nothing at all" if you except this to be true ,then by what force are these people telling us about "our" loved one and for what reason...!? to perpetuate a believe in us that we go on to another side...form..entity!...this way we lose our way in reconising the true path,and message..."some seed shall fall in the thickets...and shall believe but for a time,until the weeds and thorns press them in and they fail".."and some shall believe yet for a season,but will fall away due to the cares of this world"...there is a life...and 1 to whom it has be given to impart it on behalf of the god of all..."if i tell you of earthly things,and yet you do not believe them,nor understand shall yee understand heavenly things..there shall be a day when i shall talk with you plainly and not in parables...and you shall know who i am,for you shall keep my commandment and abide with me as i abide with him and we shall become one,and know this ,that my flock shall be known by the love they have amongst themselves..and now i go to a place where you cannot follow,but i shall not leave you comfortless..but i shall send a helper" and he shall teach you and bring to min d all the things i have taught you until the end times":hurray:

Can I have a packet of salted nuts with that please.

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