White Room
Unbelievable...the difference is incredible, I think a lesson to us all to look after ourselves.
Wow that is fantastic mate !! any pic's before and after , i have lost 4-7 stone and feel much better, but still a way to go but i'am only walking my dog and ihave changed what i eat ......I started off with quite a bit of cardio Doug but losing tooooo much weight and muscle.. So I'm back into bodybuilding now....
Feeling fit though and very trim, I've lost 7 St....
Wow that is fantastic mate !! and pic's before and after , i have 4-7 stone and feel much better but still a way to go but i'am only walking my dog and changed what i eat ......
You are what you eat, all you ever need to know.
anybody else see Chewbacca/Obi Wan Kenobi between the trunks and rib cage?..or is it my wonky eye after being out on a head wetting do tonight?My older brother is a PT and been training for yearssssssss , he's approaching 60 and still competing in the veterans comps in bodybuilding.
this is his him about 11 weeks back ...
View attachment 59782
He used used to be mainly a power lifter weighing around the 19 St mark but has trimmed down to just under 15 St to compete in BNBF.