Discuss How Many Of You, Use Topps Tiles? in the Tile Retail | Tile Buying area at TilersForums.com.

Andy Allen

I never have as I find it too much hassle.
Back and forth to customers who are after a certain colour of tile, then going back to the shop because they want one that's slightly darker, then back again because they want one that's just a bit lighter etc, loading them up, taking them to the job, unloading etc - far better for me to let the customer supply and for me to fit them.
Why do you need to go back and fourth to the shop?
Just send them in to choose a tile.
Think a few of you are missing a trick here.
You can easily make over £100 on the average size bathroom before you even get your tools out.

J Sid

@Andy Allen The reason I don't do it is firstly I would have to go VAT registered, its bad enough having to pay income tax let alone having to collect this extra tax for free on behalf of the government. It would also put my labour cost up , which would mean losing work or reducing my rate by the amount I have just made on selling these tiles, to keep the jobs.
Secondly, alot of the time the customers have already chosen there tiles and got a very good discount from the shop.
Thirdly, supplying stone is to risky, poor quality, not the shade the customer wanted....

AD Ceramics

@Andy Allen The reason I don't do it is firstly I would have to go VAT, its bad enough having to pay income tax let alone having to collect this extra tax for free on behalf of the government. It would also put my labour cost up , which would mean losing work or reducing my rate to keep the jobs.
Secondly, alot of the time the customers have already chosen there tiles and got a very good discount from the shop.
Thirdly, supplying stone is to risky, poor quality, not the shade the customer wanted....

Don't supply anything ........ Reduce the risk, to many rip off merchants trying in on nowadays, and that's just the general public.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
@Dan, must have been voted on my none tilers
Was a few years ago now. Many tilers voted for them. They had their trade scheme tiler thing going on and had a big push and it paid off. Topps Approved Fitter I think they'd call you if you spent enough there and you got good rates I think I read the tilers wrote.

Andy Allen

@Andy Allen The reason I don't do it is firstly I would have to go VAT registered, its bad enough having to pay income tax let alone having to collect this extra tax for free on behalf of the government. It would also put my labour cost up , which would mean losing work or reducing my rate by the amount I have just made on selling these tiles, to keep the jobs.
Secondly, alot of the time the customers have already chosen there tiles and got a very good discount from the shop.
Thirdly, supplying stone is to risky, poor quality, not the shade the customer wanted....
You've lost me....why would you have to put your labour cost up?

dave l and l

i use them sometimes, staff are good at my local store.
i also get a decent enough discount with them. the slow set white is ok, and is about a pound more than weber white, also there chrome flat edge trim is about 7 or 8 pound.
another reason i go there is the time it saves me if i need to go there in morning. its either sit for an hour and a half to get to c t d or 20 mins to tops

J Sid

You've lost me....why would you have to put your labour cost up?
If I become vat registered would I not have to add 20% to my bill, including on the labour? Or is labour exempt from vat?
Or have I got it all wrong?
If I did add 20% to my price , say £100, the customer would have to give me £120. So I would have to lower my price to £83 so the customer would still only pay me £100

Andy Allen

If I become vat registered would I not have to add 20% to my bill, including on the labour? Or is labour exempt from vat?
Or have I got it all wrong?
If I did add 20% to my price , say £100, the customer would have to give me £120. So I would have to lower my price to £83 so the customer would still only pay me £100
See where your coming from if your vat registered. ....depends how much you supply.... for anyone not vat registered then there's money to be made..


Why do you need to go back and fourth to the shop?
Just send them in to choose a tile.
Think a few of you are missing a trick here.
You can easily make over £100 on the average size bathroom before you even get your tools out.

For me, I'd rather lose £100 than be messing about collecting / delivering tiles etc, as I can usually make about that supplying the primer, adhesive, grout and silicone - which are all lighter to carry.
Plus if you ever get a customer that doesn't pay straightaway, your only down on your labour costs which isn't so bad - I'm not a bank after all.
That's the way I have always run my business.


But anyhow, back on topic - for me Topps is the only supplier near to me that have everything I need (usually)
There are a couple of merchants, but they only sell Evostik products and they are awful to use.
I agree with most that they are expensive, not on all things but trims and some of the grouts can be pricey - and yes most don't know what there talking about, but as I am nowhere near a CTD branch, I'm a bit stuck really.


As above, i'm in the middle of nowhere as far as suppliers go. My local Topps are really good guys, however I have to agree regarding the discount structure. It is the most idiotic thing, use us a bit and you will only get a bit, use us a lot and you may get more..... should just be trade or not. You can always push and get a deal no matter where you get your products though. My nearest CTD is towards Cambridge. Bedford is a craphole for any suppliers, it does my head in. That said CTD have bought out Tile Depot and they have a branch in MK, so there is a glimmer of hope.

John Benton

I always try and supply tiles where possible, Just bought a pallet load for a job and made £300 before I even stepped in the customers house, also saved him £300 as well buying by the pallet. If I got close to the VAT threshold I would just not supply the tiles, but get the supplier to pass on my discount directly to the customer and they are more than happy to do that.

Only used tiles from Topps when I have tried to match up some 20 year old ceramics for a shower cubicle and they had some close enough to do the job, colour and size were virtually spot on, but would never want to step over their threshold really.

John Benton

But anyhow, back on topic - for me Topps is the only supplier near to me that have everything I need (usually)
There are a couple of merchants, but they only sell Evostik products and they are awful to use.
I agree with most that they are expensive, not on all things but trims and some of the grouts can be pricey - and yes most don't know what there talking about, but as I am nowhere near a CTD branch, I'm a bit stuck really.

Isn't there a Jackson Shipley near you StevieBoy. I thought they supplied addy and grout.

Andy Allen

I always try and supply tiles where possible, Just bought a pallet load for a job and made £300 before I even stepped in the customers house, also saved him £300 as well buying by the pallet. If I got close to the VAT threshold I would just not supply the tiles, but get the supplier to pass on my discount directly to the customer and they are more than happy to do that.

Only used tiles from Topps when I have tried to match up some 20 year old ceramics for a shower cubicle and they had some close enough to do the job, colour and size were virtually spot on, but would never want to step over their threshold really.
Spot on John. .....customer gets a bit of discount. ...There happy......I make a bit so I'm more than happy.....get a deposit off them so your not even risking your own money......and on big orders the suppliers I use will even deliver to site......No hassle at all imo...:)

Reply to How Many Of You, Use Topps Tiles? in the Tile Retail | Tile Buying area at TilersForums.com

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