investment opportunities

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Hello peeps,
a good mate of mine has been telling me lately that i should invest in silver,yes SILVER ! he reckons it's going to skyrocket over the next few years!
Basically he says reserves are running out and the bullion dealers can't get enough from the mints.Just thought i'd share this with you and wondered if anyone has already invested??
he says you need a lot more money to invest in gold.An ounce costs roughly £680 and an ounce of silver costs approx £13, gold has reached high and will have further to go but he reckons silver will do better in next few years !
He is right silver is a good investment, copper is going up every week at the moment and the next will be alu around mid november. I also have a good friend that deals with metals here in Holland. :thumbsup:
Im not into investments, might have summit to do with me being skint :lol: but my dads really into the stock market in a big way, that's all he does now, but he's never had any interest in metals.

I've heard this a lot about precious metals (both gold, silver and others). I've also heard that commodities (coffee, sugar etc) will be worth investing in much more.

That said, it's all on the market and those who WILL invest with no sure outcome WILL invest. Full stop. Which means that if you invested 10k in any of the above, you wouldn't see such a good return unless you invested in something that WASN'T being told on ever website in the world - and then did turn out to be a good investment.

Investing is investing and you need to spread your betting to ensure you get a guaranteed return. And although you hear about investment opportunities every day if you look for them, nearly all of them won't pay of, partly due to the guys (and companies, even councils etc) investing millions into such 'leads' which makes your 10k not worth what it would be if everybody didn't hear about it.

If you have spare cash, invest it in a dozen things, if you don't, don't think you'll make a living out of your savings because you're more likely to loose it all than make even a 5% gain.

Trade on the Forex for a bit on a demo account (see my post in the TilersForums Arms) and get good at clocking the average times of when currency increases and decreases in value, and still then, invest in a few currencies. You'll loose some, but if you get good, you'll gain far much more. The more you make, the more you have to invest, and the more you'll make again. 😉
Something I have always fancied dabbling at.


Not sure if I should have done that , it was a carry on from last night between me and Dave and cool smilies, if its removed then no harm meant fellas
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dont know too much about investing ,but i have been told fine wine is a good investment also I still think long term ,property is worth investing in , you can buy an apartment in berlin for £50,000, cheapest capital city in europe so on paper it looks like its worth investing,it boils down to whether you can afford to lose the money if it it doesnt work out or how long you want to wait to see a return, just remeber in a recession ,cash is king :thumbsup:
I know a guy who runs a security company and they are looking after coffee supply routes in Kenya, think they called it liquid gold.

Maybe an investment in coffee
Im waiting for my plot of land on the moon to rocket in value!

Get it 'rocket' 'moon' ...



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