Mucky customers.

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I remember coming back from tea once at a site in south london, my small rubi was in front of the pan where i left it on the floor with lovely line of pee all over it where some lazy so and so had aimed into the loo from across the room...and the loo weren't even plumbed in...angry wasn't the word for it1:incazzato::incazzato: Funnily enough no-one would own up to it whilst I was marching into plots carrying a big stick!

:lol::lol::lol: New name for your cutter instead of Rubi...Rupee...:lol:
Where do I start, If I had a pound for every time I have been disgusted. You give a customer 2 weeks notice you will start their kitchen walls on such a date. You turn up to find, Obstacal coarse, sink full of dirty pots, microwave, kettle, iron, spice rack, pasta jars, last nights curry still on hob:mad2:

One of the funniest was we had been instructed to tile all inside window cills in quarries. This was after new upvc windows had been fitted. This was on a very bad council estate. On the first day we knocked on the first door, we were greeted by a woman in the most tatty dressing gown I had ever seen. The stench hit us God it was bad, as we started to get our stuff in, a fat ugly lazy looking slob with a *** in the side of his mouth and a can of Kestrel extra in his dirty hand, said to us "I hope your going to put some Bloody dust sheets down" I looked around the room, It was covered in dog poo, *** ends all over the carpets. I winked at my mate and replied, no Its OK my overalls need washing anyway. The guy looked at me with a blank expression. It went straight over his dum *** head.:ban:
Worked in a house for contractor on a refurb of a load of council housing.

The kitchen you could've died in, pots on the cooker with fat and old food running down the side of the cooker, absolute crap everywhere.

Every sort of dish in the sink soaking in a oil slick, she made us a cup of tea, we waited till she'd gone then tip it away.

Even the rats were wearing wellies:yikes:
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second day on a bathroom once,i went upstairs with my cutter:yikes:
a pair of sexy undies sitting exactly where my cutter sat the day before !
i kicked them out of the way,the customer landed back in a while,came up and said "oops,sorry" lol.
I was working in a house tiling the kitchen walls and floor and my bruv was upstairs with his work mate fitting out the bathroom..

Anyway the lady of the house said to me that she had just had a new fire place installed and it had tiled side you want a look at them they are nice she said...ok.. why not..

So i followed her through into the living room, knelt down in front of the new fire place to get a good look at these tiles,,, nice design i said and stood back up... as i did i felt something drop off my knee...mmmm i thought as i went back into the kitchen.. i looked down and saw a damp patch.. rubbed my knee and sniffed my fingers...AHH!!!! Cat poo...:incazzato:..

So i grabbed the dish cloth and rubbed my trousers clean and then threw the cloth in the sink... stuff you i thought... shortly after that the woman came in the kitchen and proceded to rinse out the cups with the dish cloth whilst asking who wanted a cuppa...:yikes:... err NO thank you i lol.. and then she shouts upstairs to my bruv and his mate , who said yes...:lol:... I tried so so hard not to laff as she took the cuppa's upstairs...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Where do I start, If I had a pound for every time I have been disgusted. You give a customer 2 weeks notice you will start their kitchen walls on such a date. You turn up to find, Obstacal coarse, sink full of dirty pots, microwave, kettle, iron, spice rack, pasta jars, last nights curry still on hob:mad2:

One of the funniest was we had been instructed to tile all inside window cills in quarries. This was after new upvc windows had been fitted. This was on a very bad council estate. On the first day we knocked on the first door, we were greeted by a woman in the most tatty dressing gown I had ever seen. The stench hit us God it was bad, as we started to get our stuff in, a fat ugly lazy looking slob with a *** in the side of his mouth and a can of Kestrel extra in his dirty hand, said to us "I hope your going to put some Bloody dust sheets down" I looked around the room, It was covered in dog poo, *** ends all over the carpets. I winked at my mate and replied, no Its OK my overalls need washing anyway. The guy looked at me with a blank expression. It went straight over his dum *** head.:ban:

had similar before, working a weekend to do a conservatory, turned up at 8am..geezer answered the door in his pants!:yikes:stinking like a brewery..the let us in and went back to the settee IN the conservatory to carry on kipping..we set out around it then woke him at 10 to move the settee..and he got up..let us lift it then laid back down on it!!!
by the time we were grouting he had come to a bit..made us a cuppa and weighed us out in cash!..turns out he was in the doghouse..did enjoy turning the grinder/radio on tho!:lol:
My biggest problem is with customers and their cats peeing all over our drop cloths. I have had so many drops ruined by cat pee that I can't even figure how much it has cost me. It's not possible to tell the customer to keep the cats locked up nor can I tell them they need to reimburse me for the ruined drops. Just a cost of doing business I guess.:incazzato::incazzato:

If this is still a problem then try squeezing oranges over them from time to time, apparently cats hate the smell and don't go near it. Found this out when cats kept coming in the garden once and the dog kept going mental. I stuck half of oranges here and there and squeezed them around the perimiter. Worked a treat.


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