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OK following Deano's posting....I am starting a confession post thread. You can can forgive or not as the case may be. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes from time to time. Its part of learning from your mistakes....and in my case some costly ones.

Firstly Deano I beg forgiveness because whilst you were all trashing the spot the mistake, I have to confess this.

I once to put a mosaic on back to front, and to make matters worse it was paper backed, so there was no excuse, except for me having a banging hangover. I spotted the mistake right at the end and said nothing. And in case anyone asks No it never came away, and to my knowledge it is still in place, and no I've never done it again.

Sorry, and sorry again, and there is nothing more I can add.


The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

I am still trying to live this one down


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Diamond Pool Finishers

years ago my mr's wanted a shelf in a kitchen cupboard i bought some of them chrome supports you put in the pre-drilled holes,well they were to small so they kept falling -out so brain of britain here decide as a stop gap to blue -tac them in place, she being a woman loaded it down with to much stuff and it collapsed ,that was about 20 years ago ,and she still tells everyone i built a shelf then blue -taced it-up :mad2: :lol: we all have a skeliton in the cupboard mine is on the shelf :hurray:


second tiling job me and a mate ever had was for the prime minister edward heath in his house in salisbury close by cathedral.
neither of us had tiled before but we convinced fired earth we knew what we were doing.
they were huge or so it seemed at that time . must have been about 750 x 750 mm sqaure and 30mm thick.
contrary to what every person said on laings site , we proceeded to lay the terracotta upside down.
to be fair i have never seen t/cotta like this before or since and how would anyone from laings know better but turns out they were upside down and this only dawns on us the evening before king ted was arriving on site which he did with his boyfriend no less !!!
spent the whole night lifting the tiles and pretended everything was in order when he did arrive in morning.
result was LAINGS refused to pay and my mate chained himself to the railings at front of property in the close as a protest, to little avail.
we learnt very quickly after that but to be fair fired earth nor anyone else knew about fixing their product properly in the early days of their company.

Worked on a small site with big houses and the carpet fitters turn up and ask if this was the right house giving me the name of the chap buying the house ,I said yes that's him they starting laying the carpet around about midday they said that they have run out of carpet I phoned the builder as he had given them the size of all the rooms he told me are they at the right property bit confused I said yes ,he then said two property,s have been bought by father and son they were doing the wrong house the carpet was for the fathers house they tried to put the blame on me,I didnt even know they had brought two houses on the site they spent the rest of the day ripping it up.:incazzato:
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Andy Allen

i had the worst hangover ever one monday morning 15 year ago,went to tile a bathroom with 250x300 tiles, started tiling them with the 250mm going up and down the wall, then after tiling half way round the room got the boarder out that was 300mm long ...:oops:

ended up having to off-set the boarder, told the customer it was the latest design feature, and all the top designers were doing it that way!!!!!

Diamond Pool Finishers

second tiling job me and a mate ever had was for the prime minister edward heath in his house in salisbury close by cathedral.
neither of us had tiled before but we convinced fired earth we knew what we were doing.
they were huge or so it seemed at that time . must have been about 750 x 750 mm sqaure and 30mm thick.
contrary to what every person said on laings site , we proceeded to lay the terracotta upside down.
to be fair i have never seen t/cotta like this before or since and how would anyone from laings know better but turns out they were upside down and this only dawns on us the evening before king ted was arriving on site which he did with his boyfriend no less !!!
spent the whole night lifting the tiles and pretended everything was in order when he did arrive in morning.
result was LAINGS refused to pay and my mate chained himself to the railings at front of property in the close as a protest, to little avail.
we learnt very quickly after that but to be fair fired earth nor anyone else knew about fixing their product properly in the early days of their company.


yes jonny fired earth were a small shed in a field with a few tiles in when me and the mr's used to go there on a sundays to look through there tiles for a bargain lol i was over oxon a few weeks ago and dropped by
Wow what a place and they now own the arga cookers range......from small acorns eh !!


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I was a bugger for cutting a tile and taking in the wrong half. Got sick of going back to the cutter to get the other/correct half and ended up trying to use a couple that were close enough to size. gaffer made me take them off the wall, get the cutter out the van from under all the junk, in freezing cold weather with freezing cold hands, and recut them, stick them on the wall, and even drive back the next day on my tod to grout them.

Never did it again. Still used to take the wrong half in every now and again though.


yes jonny fired earth were a small shed in a field with a few tiles in when me and the mr's used to go there on a sundays to look through there tiles for a bargain lol i was over oxon a few weeks ago and dropped by
Wow what a place and they now own the arga cookers range......from small acorns eh !!
well watch the news because there could be a surprise coming up.
i remember attending a share holders meeting in the early 80s and there were only three people attending. me .my dad and nicholas neale in the local pub in oxfordshire. he got out early but still did well.


A long time ago...did you notice I said LONG TIME AGO, I was managing a job over at Heathrow, the first stage was this fancy drive in check in facility. Well I don't know what happened, but my brain turned to mush on the day I was ordering the tiles in. I ordered in honed finish, so it turned up, and the lads started working on it. Looked lovely, until the architect flew in from America, and threw a hissy fit, because he specified polished. Well by then it was to late the tiles were down, and I was dragged down there to face the wrath of 'Angelo' and his mincing partner who lived in San Francisco (Im sure you get the picture).He flipped his lid, and I had to think on my feet quickly, turned round and told him straight out, I had sent an email saying that because of the BS regulations in public areas, we had reluctantly had to change the finish to honed to meet the slip resistance, and the email had been sent over months ago. That stopped them in their tracks, then told me I had done the right thing, and apologised.

I saw the project manager a couple of months ago, I hadn't seen him for years, and the first thing he said to me... 'Your tiles are still down at Heathrow, you know them honed that should have been polished tiles'. I said 'What can I say? except Safety first!'

Since then I've always double checked the order against the spec, that was the closest call I've had to ripping an entire job up, and starting again.


On one

i had the worst hangover ever one monday morning 15 year ago,went to tile a bathroom with 250x300 tiles, started tiling them with the 250mm going up and down the wall, then after tiling half way round the room got the boarder out that was 300mm long ...:oops:

ended up having to off-set the boarder, told the customer it was the latest design feature, and all the top designers were doing it that way!!!!!
Thank God I'm not the only one that's done that!
When I first started making mosaics I used the direct method, ie setting them face up. Then I had a commission for a 600mm diameter copy of Roman mosaic showing a female from the waist up with the words 'Britania' across the top of the circle.

Decided I would use the Reverse method, sticking the pieces face down onto sticky plastic which had the pattern underneath then glue the mesh on.

Finished it then glued the mesh onto the back. Thought 'that was easy I'll use that method again. It was only a couple of days later when I was about about to flip it over that my friend looked at it and said, 'You do realise the words will be spelt backwards when you flip it over' Had to just trash the whole thing as the figure was facing the wrong way too. Still only 2,500 tesserae in it :mad2:
Ive forgotten the border on wall going up but realised a few tiles in but my best was setting out one day which involved forgetting about the border completetly.

Luckily it was a thin one so to get the window back to being perfectly framed i added a couple layers of plasterboard to the roof of the window reveal. Can't think I've had any else. Normally ocd with setting out too...


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK

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