There should be a Rouge Tiler section on this forum, where people can leave details to name and shame so other's don't use these cowboy's. Mind you, if people came here first, then with the experts we have around here people many not get into this mess in the first place.
Anyway, I hope you get a good outcome from this Milly. Good luck.
A rouge traders section? As in the french for RED? OR do you men a Rogue traders! Unfortunately that isnt how we work ont he forum and naming and shaming someone can carry some hefty consequences, therefore we only post the pictures and no personal details of who did it.
The method of fixing is jut one of the errors. The adhesive should be troweled onto the floor and the tile bedded into it so the WHOLE of the back of the tile is covered by adhesive. However all that is academic if the substrate is poorly prepared.
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