Time's Ran Out
5x5 + 12x12 = 13x13
25+ 144 = 169
The sum of the squares etc.
25+ 144 = 169
The sum of the squares etc.
5x5 + 12x12 = 13x13
25+ 144 = 169
The sum of the squares etc.
John once more you put things better than I do.:lol:
Phil, I know this stuff is second nature to a few of you on here, I'm just trying to figure out the exact way you would put it in to practice, I understand now using arcs.
Mark if you are trying to get a 90 degree angle having found a centre line, then measure 3 ft/ 3m or 3 anything, you then measure 4 ft/4m along that line when you get 5ft/5m to intersect that is 90 degrees. Not the best explanation, but it is all I can do.
John, how would you do the arcs ? I'm thinking , ping a chalk line then measure 4, then do the arcs using a string and pencil or drill hole through tape measure and anchor it?.... Hope you follow my description
It's obviously easier if there are 2 of you but a tape, string or staff with a masonry nail on the points works for me!