Is rat poison poisonous to cats and other pets and animals? That would be the only thing that worries me :yikes: When I first lived in a rented cottage in Cornwall I was lying in the bath and suddenly there was this big thumping in the airing cupboard at the footend of the bath, the wodden door nearly opened, frightened the heck out of me, was pregnant at the time - turns out they were rats that got in the cupboard from the coal house adjacent to the bathroom. What attracted them? Bars of soap I put amongst the towels!! There were teethmarks all over the soap! Some bars half eaten!! mad... anyhow, the landlord told us to remove soap and not have any food out anywhere for them to even smell and they went away, so that seems to be the answer. In the countryside you can shoot them, seems kinder than slow death by poison, but not sure if that is allowed in a built up area?