Discuss self employment..... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Colour Republic

Mr T the building trade in general has a pretty bad name whereby one of the first concerns going through a customers head is 'How do I not get ripped off and how do I know they will do a good job?"

Now you're going to argue you will only take on 'small' jobs and you're not trying to 'rip someone off', That might be your intention now but you've already stated that you're going down this route because you want to provide for your family, which is all very admirable until the need to provide for your family is so great that you do take on that job which is beyond you capabilities, you might just pull it off, you also might just mess it up and end up ripping that customer off inadvertantly, even more so when you don't have the financial resource to hold your hands up and pay someone else to do it including the replacement of materials.

You've spent a long time on the forum so i'm sure you'll notice just how many jobs get undertaken by people that are well out of their comfort zone, you'll also notice the misery it causes.

Ok say you do manage to reel yourself in and refuse to undertake anything but the simpilest of jobs. Your answer is that you'll tell the customer 'I'm really busy so can't do it' in order to save face and not ruin your 'reputation'. All well and good, but i'm afraid when talking through the job with the customer they will either realise you don't know how to do it because you can't answer their questions... or you'll make the answer up. This is damaging to the industry and trade in general as it makes customers even more distrusting of the next guy to walk through the door, or worse they get their judgement questioned when the customer says 'The last guy didn't tell me that and he said you can just do x"

Nobody is trying to stop you from earning a living, they are trying to protect their trade which is littered with far too many people undertaking jobs they have no idea how to do.

You're fairly young and just like everyone of the guys on here who were once your age, maybe just a little too self confident. I bet if you ask, almost all on here would say they hit a certain age, looked back on their younger self and thought "damn I was cocky sod and maybe I didn't know as much as I thought I did and maybe wasn't so good as I thought I was"

But you won't agree with that and you'll think you're different... I know because that's exactly what everyone else thought when they were your age. It's just life.
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So now its threats...FFS.. would you lay in gypsies..going round in flash new vans...cars...£30k caravans...never paying tax..and the tax office not having any way of tracking them, or even bothering.....doing cash work and not paying tax...or is it just moonlighting tilers..

Dave..you have asked MR T many questions..why don't you answer if you have done any cash work and not claimed tax ?...its a simple question...times are changing...guys coming in to tiling as a professional are few and far between...yes chancers and bodgers are taking your work..but its like the Chinese..people are realising buying cheap rubbish is not economical..and as soon as the public realise hiring fly by nights..and yes people still get gypsies to do work and get ripped off.even after all the programs on dodgy builders..then the work will return..you may be right about Mr T....but can you not PM him rather than on an open forum as it shows that this forum is aggressive and in some cases un welcoming....

Gypsies lol , ok that is another thread.

Ian I am a legitimate business and pay my taxes in full , I sub-contract and 20% is deducted.
Simples. When I do domestic work I give an invoice and all goes through the books.
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Mr T

Lol I think I come across as cocky when typing in this forum mate but I really am not. I already do look back on my younger self as I feel about 40. But on a serious side the last couple of months ive realised that when I put a bit of confidence into my work I really make a propper job of it. I wouldnt risk putting a customers home life in dispare and would not accept a job unless I felt ready. And if the situation did arise where the custome has realised I dont know what to do for a certain job I will own up and wont bother trying to lie my way out. And that really is how honest a man I am. I am in no way the type of bloke to rip off people and I will never take the money and run. But as you say I dont have the funds to repair failed tiling but I will have by the time I have to cross that road... Many people on this site go onabout customers not letting the tradesmen rectify there work. So even the pros must make mistakes. But all in all I am not ready for any of that as of yet and im not looking to go self employed next week just want to start learning about it as I will do my own taxes. Cheers mate


Gypsies lol , ok that is another thread.

Ian I am a legitimate business and pay my taxes in full , I sub-contract and 20% is deducted.
Simples. When I do domestic work I give an invoice and all goes through the books.

then i hereby name you "very honest john"...which is more than I can say about the people we elect to run our country...expenses...loop holes spring to mind..try it sometime..you only live once...

- - - Updated - - -

Lol I think I come across as cocky when typing in this forum mate but I really am not. I already do look back on my younger self as I feel about 40. But on a serious side the last couple of months ive realised that when I put a bit of confidence into my work I really make a propper job of it. I wouldnt risk putting a customers home life in dispare and would not accept a job unless I felt ready. And if the situation did arise where the custome has realised I dont know what to do for a certain job I will own up and wont bother trying to lie my way out. And that really is how honest a man I am. I am in no way the type of bloke to rip off people and I will never take the money and run. But as you say I dont have the funds to repair failed tiling but I will have by the time I have to cross that road... Many people on this site go onabout customers not letting the tradesmen rectify there work. So even the pros must make mistakes. But all in all I am not ready for any of that as of yet and im not looking to go self employed next week just want to start learning about it as I will do my own taxes. Cheers mate

trouble is you type how you speak..which is why the assumption has been made i guess

Colour Republic

Just to make it clear I'm not saying what your type on this forum is cocky, it's the fact you think you're ready to go out and start working for yourself with such little experience.

Beside all of this, you could be a great tiler and absolutely suck as a businessman. Getting the work can be just as hard as doing the job, the way most people get around this is by offering the cheapest price which again only harms the industry as those people that are trying to make a real business out of it.


Lol I think I come across as cocky when typing in this forum mate but I really am not. I already do look back on my younger self as I feel about 40. But on a serious side the last couple of months ive realised that when I put a bit of confidence into my work I really make a propper job of it. I wouldnt risk putting a customers home life in dispare and would not accept a job unless I felt ready. And if the situation did arise where the custome has realised I dont know what to do for a certain job I will own up and wont bother trying to lie my way out. And that really is how honest a man I am. I am in no way the type of bloke to rip off people and I will never take the money and run. But as you say I dont have the funds to repair failed tiling but I will have by the time I have to cross that road... Many people on this site go onabout customers not letting the tradesmen rectify there work. So even the pros must make mistakes. But all in all I am not ready for any of that as of yet and im not looking to go self employed next week just want to start learning about it as I will do my own taxes. Cheers mate

Which is why you have come on here to ask the questions so you do it right..right ?...I think the worst thing to do to protect a tilers trade is to open a forum telling people how to do it :oops: .and to use the correct materials and tools...the dog tooth method helped me out no end...am i taking away a tilers work when i go and quote..talk with the customer and do a complete strip out of a bathroom..plumb tile paint etc etc..giving me 6 days work instead of 4 as i should really be passing 2 days work to a pro tiler...I need to feed my kids to you know :sofahide:

Mr T

I understand mate. Just for the record I realise I may be taking the work from other tilers but if I feel confident I will do the job and do it propperly il spend the hard earned with a big grin. I plan to make a real business out of this and I may turn out a bad business man but I have to start somewhere. If I could get into the arms I would be able to ask people about what I need to know when pricing as I see this is a touchy subject and the last thing I want to do is undersell myself. But im not allowed as I dont trade at this moment in time... But it would be better if I could have this information beforehand. But rules are rules I can live with that.

Colour Republic

OK I'll step up on my soap box one last time then gracefully bow out...

I'm a firm believer of nobody owes you a living and you make your own way in life. I don't think you are taking away jobs from other tilers. God knows there's a thousand others just round the corner so one more isn't going to hurt. It's not that you are taking their work (you're not as they were never 'entitled' to it anyway) it's that you are damaging the trades reputation and lowering rates.

Besides if a seasoned pro went to quote for the same job as you and you won it, then the pro really should be asking himself serious questions why he couldn't sell his services over and above yours.

Ask yourself this though, why are you finding it hard to get a job? Why is it that some seasoned pros are struggling to fill their order books? If those working in this industry are having a hard time and they have a massive head start on you, just how hard do you think you're going to find it?

If you are as enthusiatic about this trade as you say you are then keeping knocking on those doors until a tiler takes you on. Don't just knock once, knock 2,3,4,5,6,...10 times. My very first job I ever had is because they guy who owned the company decided it would far less annoying for him to give me a job than me hounding him day and night.


are you going to be self employed?.....meaning it is the only thing you do.......or are you working somewhere else..... and are going to moonlight as a tiler?

as for your question.........I use one credit card for all business purchases........that way all i need to submit it my credit card statements........

all the best

Interested that you say that lee .
do you really only have to show the statements and not supporting invoices.
i was told this by my new business manager at Barclays but he got sacked within two months of appointment .
My dad is an old school accountant retired for 25 years and he always insists that I have support invoices which can never be wrong but maybe times have really changed and you can get away with just statements.
i would be very interested to hear your comments

Mr T

Soap box lol this isnt about working under a tiler or learning more about the trade. Its about me earning a small amount for jobs I know im capable. But beleive me I have tried the working for free side of it and ive done my fair share to date. But I would like to earn a bit of bread for what I know I actually can do. I would happily work under another tiler as I love the trade for what it is not all about money. Cheers

Colour Republic

Soap box lol this isnt about working under a tiler or learning more about the trade. Its about me earning a small amount for jobs I know im capable. But beleive me I have tried the working for free side of it and ive done my fair share to date. But I would like to earn a bit of bread for what I know I actually can do. I would happily work under another tiler as I love the trade for what it is not all about money. Cheers

It frigging should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Colour Republic

Interested that you say that lee .
do you really only have to show the statements and not supporting invoices.
i was told this by my new business manager at Barclays but he got sacked within two months of appointment .
My dad is an old school accountant retired for 25 years and he always insists that I have support invoices which can never be wrong but maybe times have really changed and you can get away with just statements.
i would be very interested to hear your comments

I use to work in finance for a record company and supported invoices should always be kept, if the accountant is doing their job correctly they should also be checking those invoices to see if you can put it against the business.


Thanks mate im just worried now as im bound to cross daves path at a trade day someday haha.

Now that would be good actually .. :):):):)..

Listen .. and i mean listen.. now ya Pal Ian isn't bugging the life out of me :lol:

NO ONE!! is saying do not tile , NO ONE is saying you cannot tile to a certain degree... BUT!! they are saying you will rub backs up the wrong way when you type
what you did..

So THINK!! before you hit the enter key.... simple as that..

Reply to self employment..... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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