Wall and Floor Tiling Standards BS 5385 Part 1 and 2 Bristish Standards, ISO Tile Fixing Standard.

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Tiling Standards

Wall and Floor Tiling Standards for the UK: British Standards in Tiling.

Discuss Should airlines charge more for overweight passengers? in the Tiling Standards area at TilersForums.com.


Colour Republic

probably. but it's also about looking good. you don't want to be served your inflight meal by somebody you don't want to look at or ogle.

Clearly you have not flown with the same airlines as I have :puke:

I believe Monarch was the worse, The air was so thick with rancid perfume I considered smashing the window regardless of the consequences

Deleted member 9966

So are you comfortable in a plane then, Liz? Or do you dread the seat in front of you squashing your kneecaps?

it's been a long time since I had to fly G, but if I can't have a front row seat, I tend to ask for a seat next to the emergency exits on the wings or an aisle seat. stick me in the middle of a row and I'll be up and walking around because I can't stay sat in the same position for that long.

if I booked a seat with more leg room, then I would expect to pay for it. surely, it works the same way for larger people?


Park Gate
So are we not in buisness to make money? I know I am!

Running an aircraft is expensive weather we like it or not. The cost of fuel, (as we all know), is ever increasing. So is the cost of insurance; the cost of living, (and therfore the cost of wages/salaries); H&E legislation, (which cost's money to implement). Reduce the cost of seating and the ticket costs will increase.

We are hit with taxes becasue we are told that aircraft are destroying the planet. I personally think this is BS and that aircraft are actually quite a good way to move people around. You can move a large quantity of people with relative ease and speed compared to something like a bus or a car, unless of course you reduce the amount of seating making them less efficient.

Being charged for overwieght luggage is fair. Your told quite clearly what your allowance is before you get to the airport, so if your over you should be charged. 'Cheap' airlines are not that cheap when you take into consideration the baggage allowance's. eg the only time I have ever gone on a cheap airline the allowance was for hand luggage only. You paid extra to put luggage in the hold.

Call me a bigot if you like but this is my opinion, some of which is fact. :smiley2:


Park Gate
Yup, I know.....but thanks for pointing that out! Was responding to the point of luggage that has been raised.

The point about overweight people was answered in my first post.

Luggage can be moved around a plane to get the CofG with in the allowed paramaters. Get on a plane with a load of fatties and I for one would be getting off. Pilots are talented people but they can't change the laws of physics!


I've only skimmed this thread so apologies if I've missed the point.

My opinion is quite straight forward and blunt. If someone is too wide for one seat or is likely to make life very uncomfortable for the person next to them, then they should have to purchase 2 seats. Weight is very personal and subjective and I think the airlines would eventually run in to human rights issues if they pursued that line so physical size should be the determining factor IMO. Perhaps they should introduce a seat next to the check in desk (just like they have the frame for hand luggage) :lol:


this is nothing to do with weight or centre of gravity, you would have to weigh a considerable amount to affect a planes balance. if that was the case they wouldnt be allowed to walk up the aisle when the plane was in the air

its simply the logistics of fitting them in to such small seats, fact is if you are over a certain size you will have to fly on aircraft with bigger seats which is going to cost more


Many airline seat sizes are shockingly small to be honest. Last time I was on a plane I had my misses on one side and an elderly gent on the otherside and I felt very uncomfortable and cramped throughout the journey. So its no wonder that heavier people are being targeted when its already difficult for the best of use to fly in comfort.

If they want to charge more perhaps they should increase the size of there seats?

I do however feel that asking some people to pay for two seats (If they are going to be taking up part of someone else purchased space) may be reasonable in some cases.

You dont get discounts for being disabled or for being a child (like many other transport providers do)

Perhaps airlines are gaining too much power/ decision making and need more regulation? (just like the banks were for a while)

Maybe graded seats could be a solution? pay for economy/ luxury seats on all airlines
Deffo a touchy subject, each of have our own opinions.
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Andy Allen

I might have the details a bit wrong but I remember something about the Welsh rugby team and by using recognised techniques used by the medical fraternity all but two of them were clinically obese ....obviously they weren't. My point is you can be healthy,fit but very heavy.

your spot on there sandy, a pro body builder could be 3/4 stone over wieght yet have less body fat than a marathon runner.

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