Q Qwerty Aug 18, 2019 #19,235 Morning all Boggs said: Plenty of time to rest in those 2 hour long ride queues @Plan Tec Tiling 🙂 Click to expand... Beauty of fastpass and military planning, not waited any longer than 5 mins for any ride yet
Morning all Boggs said: Plenty of time to rest in those 2 hour long ride queues @Plan Tec Tiling 🙂 Click to expand... Beauty of fastpass and military planning, not waited any longer than 5 mins for any ride yet
T Time's Ran Out Aug 18, 2019 #19,239 Good afternoon everyone - beautiful day for an early morning run out. Took my daughter into the wilds of Durham to look at a little geometric vestibule. Breakfast at a small garden centre and now I’am going to be shown how she makes scones.
Good afternoon everyone - beautiful day for an early morning run out. Took my daughter into the wilds of Durham to look at a little geometric vestibule. Breakfast at a small garden centre and now I’am going to be shown how she makes scones.
U Unused Account 1 Aug 18, 2019 #19,240 Afternoon ,hows your days going ,day off for once ,gym ,coffee now pouring down lol