I appreciate being offered a drink, but the reality is that I pack my own coffee machine!
I will accept a brew when offered but I make it clear that one a day is enough for me.
I'm amazed when people say that other trades want a brew every 30 minutes. I would rather get working!
Tips are pretty rare. Occasionally have customers round up an invoice.
Once I had £100 tip and the best was a 2 seater german pedal go-kart given me which was worth (even second hand) £900.
I know a carpet fitter who worked all week in a mansion for some landed gentry type. Every day the butler would serve quality tea and biscuits etc - really looked after them. On the final day he overheard his customer - Sir whatever-his-name-was, say to the butler - "please be sure to give the gentleman the usual tip before he leaves."
Rubbing his greedy little hands together at the thought of a nice vintage bottle from the cellar, or some pound notes, he was pretty stunned to be presented with a multi-pack of Twix bars!