Generator Hookup To Seperate Service Panels Electrical Advice
- By Lou
Generator Hookup To Seperate Service Panels Discussion ThreadGenerator Hookup To Seperate Service Panels Electrical Advice
On a 20kw generator can you connect the 30AMP plug to one service panel and the 50amp plug on a seperate service panel? I have two service panels coming off the same meter. I currently have a 5500KW 30Amp generator connection to one panel that supports my well pump and Hot Water heater. I would like run some circuits on the other panel also during a power outage...
On a 20kw generator can you connect the 30AMP plug to one service panel and the 50amp plug on a seperate service panel? I have two service panels coming off the same meter. I currently have a 5500KW 30Amp generator connection to one panel that supports my well pump and Hot Water heater. I would like run some circuits on the other panel also during a power outage...