Coming Back

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Morning lads and ladies, after going back to my old job for 3 months (guaranteed decent income but too much living away from home) I have realised that I should have held my nerve and not taken the position because I can not stop scheming about how to get out and get back into tiling. I had done half a dozen tiling jobs before I went back and the market seemed ok-ish back at the start of January but am not sure how the land lies with the credit crunch causing people to tighten their belts.

I live in the Wirral (merseyside/chester) area - if any of you good people think I should sit tight and button my lip then speak up and likewise, if you think I should give them the fingers and make the jump without looking back then shout my way????

Cheers in advance!

No one can say for sure which is the best way for you mate as everyone is different and gets different amounts of calls\jobs in.

There's many on here that are very busy, there's also many on here who have hardly any work on, and some have or are thinking about giving tiling up and getting a job elsewhere, so no body can really say whats best for you to do.

I guess the most you can do Is ditch the job and see how it goes, but it could be a big gamble.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Its the old situation.

1) Work for someone else = Security but bordom.

2) Self employed = Unknown but freedom.

Both have advantages and both have disadvantages. I had a steady career with a pharmaceutical company for 20 years. Final salary pension. Free canteen. Regular hours. Bonus. Xmas Bonus. Travel.

But in the end I was bored so I left. But my wife has a good job and I have no kids.

I bet you get a mixed response on if the tile market is good/bad because like everything it depends on local market trends. But I think the general concensus is things are upbeat. IE you wont starve!
Thanks fellas - was worried the market would be quiet with the current economic climate being what it is. Going to get 500 business cards out there and gauge the response and then let fate take me in the right direction.



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