Hi - Thanks for all your suggestions so far -- am still trying to find out the make of tile backer and whether it was laid with gaps. (May be a dumb question but if the tiles are fixed to the backer and the backer expands, won't the tiles detach?)
Meanwhile, last night we measured out where all the cracks were in relation to the joints of the tile backer boards and in relation to the chipboard t&g boards below those. In short, the cracks (about 14 m of them in total) run almost exactly along where we think the joins of the tile backer boards must be. The only exception is where we think they cross the middle of a board to join to cracks that correspond to joints at either side (as the boards were laid in a brick pattern - hope that makes sense). Is that information helpful?
In reply to Stewart's question of yesterday -- I think they fixed the tiles with dollops of the brown adhesive and then allowed liquid grout to run under the tiles and take up any space. I'm not 100% sure about this so will need to check with the builder.
Thanks again for all your help -- I really feel as though we are getting somewhere.
Sounds like the tiles are d&d, injecting grout to fill voids is new to me! Anyone heard of this method of fixing?