Snap - I've an under active Thyroid gland. Stable after 6 years on 150mg day. Mine problem was caused by diving in The Indian Ocean in 2004 - Maldives. Plankton buried its way through my ear drum into the middle ear and set up a tropical infection. Us Europeans are used to this and ' bang ' my auto emune system when into a frenzy and attacked my thyroid gland, mistaking it for a foreign body.
Next thing, back home and could not walk more than 100 yds without stopping for breath, I HONESTLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE out with the dogs up the woods. ! Could not work, kept falling asleep on the job - at my desk, in the chair, nearly fell asleep in the car and van whilst driving home. - Sound familar Scottley ?
My neck swelled up, put on about 2 stone in two weeks. When the quack,. although I guessed the problem. Emergency dose 100mg that day and tested every year now.
This is potentially very serious - If I had not gone to the quack that afternoon, he said that with my life style, physical work with lots of sport and running etc, if I had pushed myself as I do now and then, I would probably have suffered a cardiac arrest. I was only 50. Apparently, UAT is the cause of most heart failures in young men - I'm still young !
So warning to all - Scottley - Now your under control it will be fine, take care to take the tabs regularly and get your blood tested regularly until you are stable. Then its nothing much at all - live your life as normal.
By the way I still Dive - Advanced / Nitrox Qualified and Dive in the tropics at least 3 times a year - Thats what lifes about !