Rizzle from the Portizzle
just to bring you up to date they fix thin tiles in china and india into s/c all the time .why are the thin tiles you are fixing platness is not perfect ?they should have a tolarance over 600x1200 of less than 1/10 of a mm .only 30% of all tiles fixed in the world are fixed with adhesive 70% in s/c even today .even thin tilesThis is my thought, up to 10/15 years ago, I placed only s & c. Now with tiles present, increasingly less thickness, larger and larger, of course, to have less thick tiles, the cooking is automatically lifted and the flatness is not perfect, poses s & c is no longer suitable. Now with a leveling system it is also able to accommodate a non-planar tile.
After this, I think a young tiler although it is capable of s & c there is nothing wrong, instead think of laying a floor with s & c, might consider to qualify on factors concerning the future of the tile example: thin porcelain and its equipment or systems of that type scluther UK are used a lot.
this is just my thoughts, then every tiler is free to think what he wants, if in previous posts I have expressed adequately only because I thought it was a joke, I thought that pose S & C is no longer considered being outdated .sorry) I do not want to talk about the videos, because that person is not a tiler.
p.s I think I thought too .......😉