The day the immigrants left

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Hats off the the immigrants for doing what they do if they work. I don't mind those ones at all. It's the ones that don't work that annoy me. And it's the system that's at the core of the problem I suppose not them themselves.

I thought the brits that they had were terrible and I know there are many of those types around. I wish they've have given some of the jobs to people that actually wanted to work.

Funny how the two potato lads applied for jobs and got told there was nothing suitable at the moment.
i totally agree with Dom, thanks mate you saved me typing that all out!!:thumbsup:it was orchastrated by the BBC to mate the British look bad , these were wasters apart from the chippy :lol:
Funny how the two potato lads applied for jobs and got told there was nothing suitable at the moment.

Would you have employed them..?

I wouldn't..especially the mouthy lol..
i totally agree with Dom, thanks mate you saved me typing that all out!!:thumbsup:it was orchastrated by the BBC to mate the British look bad , these were wasters apart from the chippy :lol:

I didn't see it that way dave.. they were ther to prove they could work.. they didn't.. simple a that..and some didn't even turn up..

The ones chosen were ones that could not get jobs( apart from the joiner).... doesn't that explain why..?

Lazy so and so's IMO.
what was the purpose of this programme? right from the off it annoyed me as every brit was a lazy gobber, i agree with dom on this one:mad2:
Seems there's a hint of brain washing going on here, last week there was a program about gypsy weddings and how honest and god fearing they were.

Then how we need foriegn workers, it's not the workers it's the spongers off the state that bothers me.
yes i agree Dave they were waister's i think they were the sort that can talk a Good job but could never do a good job, there's plenty around to!!:thumbsup:
Seems there's a hint of brain washing going on here, last week there was a program about gypsy weddings and how honest and god fearing they were.

Then how we need foriegn workers, it's not the workers it's the spongers off the state that bothers me.

THat is exactly what boils me..

brits or immigrants, if they are nothing but lazy and just want a hand out then that is wrong.

The ones that want to work , then best of look..

Oh!!.. i couldn't stand packing spuds all day.. so hats off to them..
this show was an oxymoron, how can this reflect british workers when they got long term unemployed to go to these jobs,these are british long term unemployed not british workers
All these documentaries do is convince the british public that Real hard working british workers are inferior to foreigners ,the fact is Britain has a highly skilled ,well educated,flexible work force ,is the 6th largest manufacturing country in the world ,work longer hours than any other country in europe and are far more tolerant and less xenophobic than any other race, which is why these foreigners are allowed here and in Ireland to work but not allowed any where else in europe as the other countries opted out to protect their workers from cheaper migrants
It makes me sick listenening to all media on this subject why cant they be honest and simply say there arent enough tax payers in the uk to pay for our aging population and we need 10 million new ones to cover our future care burden so we have to bring them in from overseas ,simple ,


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