The day the immigrants left

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I suppose when you think about it, USA, arguably the most powerful country in the world,(China being an unknown quantity) was built up on an immigrant workforce:8:
I suppose when you think about it, USA, arguably the most powerful country in the world,(China being an unknown quantity) was built up on an immigrant workforce:8:
our countries the same Doug
weve always been invaded and in recent years had alot of immigration

I was born in the east end of london and spent my early years there
It was like united nations around my way, we all got on well and ive never been racist and wont allow it around me
a lot of the wealth in london was generated by the jews who came here to avoid persocution, the west indians poured in off the windrush and settled here doing jobs others didnt want, the bangladeshis come in and took over brick lane working all hours in sweat shops making clothing, we were surrounded by every nationality you could think of

all working and not a single handout from the state

its all gone wrong in my lifetime and i wish there was a way of turning things back to the way they were
I suppose when you think about it, USA, arguably the most powerful country in the world,(China being an unknown quantity) was built up on an immigrant workforce:8:

Doug, In certain parts of the US there are a lot of what we call the "Blue Blood" families-ones whose lineage goes all the way back to the Mayflower. But for the most part, I know so many people that are first or second generation Americans. Here in the DC area my view is skewed because there are a lot of immigrants here. There are many days when I go the entire day without working or interacting with a native English speaker. (!)

It's not the same in all parts of the US, of course, but there really are a lot of immigrants here and many of us are descended from immigrants not too many generations back. The thing is, the "American Model" of assimilation (whatever that is) has worked well and within a generation it's usually impossible to tell that someone has parents from "the old country".

The thing that bugs me lately (the last 10-15 years) is the amount of appeasement that is going on here at all levels of goverment. There are legions of immigrants that are here making no attempts to assimilate and are quite aggressive in their demands to get everything they can get out of "The System". I think it's sponge-headed political correctness that has run amok that is allowing this to go on, and in the mean-time no one is doing a darn thing to wean these leeches off of the public teat.

I could go on with examples of the stupidity that our Federal Govt foists upon all of us that just want to live and let live, but I'll stop for now and keep my blood pressure in check. :mad2:
What is the federal government Rob? is it a different organisation to the democratic or republican government. I hear it all the time, federal banks, federal prisons?

Hi Dom, Let me go get a coffee and I'll be back. Sometimes I forget that what I am living with here bears no resemblence to your daily life over there (and vice-versa).:thumbsup:
The sponger debate is quite close to my heart. I make no bones about the fact that I work hard for everything I have and I have some wonderful things that I've worked hard to get - detached house, 2 brand new cars, nice clothes, nice electrical equipment, spending money to make the house look good.

But then you turn to look at my sister and you wonder what went wrong. She has 3 kids, a council house, a disabled badge, all the allowances and benefits under the sun, an lcd tv in every room, a pc and games console for each child, the kids get almost every new gadget they ask for and yet my sister is apparently too ill to work. she has epilepsy and depression. and her husband used to be a bus driver until he started having blackouts. he's got his driving licence back now, but he won't go back to driving buses...

Yet we have the same parents, had the same upbringing, lived in the same house together for 20 years. some people just take what they can get. I wholly believe my sister suffers with lazyitis and could manage to work 4 hours a day on supermarket check-out.


i take it that you and your sister are close then liz ???:lol:

no seriously, it all boils down to a persons mentality. you obviously have a stronger mindset with a clearer focus on what your want. it doesnt matter where your from or how your brought up, its your attitude and mentality that counts imo.
OK Dom, here is a quickie history/political lesson about the US.

The Federal Government is the overall entity that is composed of the 50 states and all the territories (such as Puerto Rico). Members of Congress, The President, The Supreme Court, Cabinetsecretaries, etc are at the Federal level. Our US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, so to speak.

The various states are all subordinate to the Federal Govt, and within the states the various counties and cities are subordinate to the state.

The way it started out, the Feds were supposed to be subordinate to the various states on virtually everything except some very clearly defined items in the constitution (Army, Navy, etc). Because of 200+ years of history and politics and some very poor decisions made at all levels, things have been turned 180 degrees and the Feds seem to control everything. The Federal Govt has become so powerful, so entrenched, so pervasive, that it is very, very hard to ever get anything changed once its started. This is what is called letting the camel get his nose under the tent.

The republicans and the democrats are political parties similar to your Tories and Labor (Labour 😀 ) Parties . We have other parties, but for the most part all of them are relegated to the fringe.

When you hear "federal prisons" etc, that is department, agency etc under federal control. If a federal law is broken the crime is tried in federal court and the convicted person is sent to a federal prison. For example, if I commit a crime here in Virginia, I will be tried in a Virginia court and go to a prison in the Virginia system. But if that same crime has a statute in the federal system, then I might be tried in a federal court and then I would go to a federal prison. And there are some laws that are at the federal level only.

A federal law enforcement agent has the duty to enforce federal laws only, and a law enforcement officer at the state level can only enforce a law that is within his jurisdiction (ie a state or county law).

The federal banking system is too complicated for me to explain. I think there are some very serious people that have good arguments for why it is unconstitutional, but it's all over my head.

There is an infamous clause in our constitution known as "The interstate commerce clause". This says that the US COngress can get their mitts on anything that is considered to affect or have anything to do with trade or commerce across state lines. The Feds then basically say that everything in the country has something to do with interstate commerce, thus they lay claim to having the authority to do as they please.

OK, I just realized that I am starting on a rant. 😀

Suffice to say Dom that most of these things you hear about are likely to be some agency or another in the Federal Govt-the largest and most powerful employer in the United States.🙁
Great post Rob, very informative and detailed.
So the feds basically run the US and everyone cows down to them, even the President?

I want to be a fed............:drool5: with a magnum p45!



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