Diamond Pool Finishers
chaves:yikes::yikes::yikes: :lol:
our countries the same DougI suppose when you think about it, USA, arguably the most powerful country in the world,(China being an unknown quantity) was built up on an immigrant workforce:8:
I suppose when you think about it, USA, arguably the most powerful country in the world,(China being an unknown quantity) was built up on an immigrant workforce:8:
The sponger debate is quite close to my heart. I make no bones about the fact that I work hard for everything I have and I have some wonderful things that I've worked hard to get - detached house, 2 brand new cars, nice clothes, nice electrical equipment, spending money to make the house look good.
But then you turn to look at my sister and you wonder what went wrong. She has 3 kids, a council house, a disabled badge, all the allowances and benefits under the sun, an lcd tv in every room, a pc and games console for each child, the kids get almost every new gadget they ask for and yet my sister is apparently too ill to work. she has epilepsy and depression. and her husband used to be a bus driver until he started having blackouts. he's got his driving licence back now, but he won't go back to driving buses...
Yet we have the same parents, had the same upbringing, lived in the same house together for 20 years. some people just take what they can get. I wholly believe my sister suffers with lazyitis and could manage to work 4 hours a day on supermarket check-out.