The day the immigrants left

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i will try to hit the 3 points fairly and include all angles

1.imigration should be regulated much more closely from now on. you must be able to offer the uk something and be able to speak english fluent. not flood in and claim benefits and cream off of us, we have enough of our own people doing that.

2.some of the lazy uk spongers that milk the benefit system dry should be doing anything there told to do in order to gain them selves employment after 6 months on the dole. if potato packing is all your fit to do then sorry but thats what you'll do until you can offer something more?

3.the greedy business men that do use foreign labour because it is cheaper (despite what the bbc showed tonight) should be investing in there own country or at least only take on 10% foreign many people do we get on this forum asking to work for free to learn??? there's hard working uk citizens with pride who'd do anything to gain a skill, these greedy business people choose to do what benefits them..the really sad thing is this...if there was a war tomorrow, the foreign workers would go home and fight against us (thats fair enough, i'm ok with that) but what bugs me, is those british employers who shaft their own country men for work, would expect the same british person to put a gun in their hands and die for them.......?

you have to invest in your country if you want to reap the future rewards, too many business people havent done that and look at the state we are in now.............
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they used to say that socialism cant work because theres no motivation and
capitalism can turn into greed at the other end of the scale,middle of the road's is best IMO :thumbsup:
Would you have employed them..?

I wouldn't..especially the mouthy lol..

I would not have employed them Dave and thats the whole point of the programme, it showed us up as a nation of lazy good for nothing, benefit grabbing, time wasting, uneducated, baseball cap wearing eejits.

If someone ran a similar programme and I could do the casting I would provide as many hard working, decent and caring people as the producer wanted and they would all be British. I know single Mums and Dads that will not sign on the dole because they are too proud but they are being forced to look in that direction because there are no jobs for them, cheap labour forces them into a corner. The BBC has an inherent policy to make people think we are a wasted country, they churn out doom and gloom all day long, they are trying to brainwash us into thinking the country is on its knees.
Well I will tell them this, I am at the end of my tether with regards to finding work to support my family, I have mounting bills and no real work lined up, I have a tax bill to pay, I have nothing solid on the horizon but I wont be portrayed like the spineless eejits on that programme, I will keep looking for work and it will come because it always does, I wont give in to the endless hype that the massive BBC corporation keeps spewing out, I'm British and proud of it and stuff what the BBC thinks!
If I have to pick vegetables from a field to earn money then I will and I wont pick a measly £170 a day like that polish lad did, the field better be ready for me!

Nuff said, I am not a happy chappy tonight.

Where does Evan Davies live?

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dom, you'll turn it back round in your favour fella :thumbsup: the good times are just around the corner....we've all got the right attitude on this forum and thats all that matters.
we are all decent, hard working family orientated people and we set the standards that others follow.....
deffo an engineered program :mad2: as you said DOM, we could make another to look the opposite, they BBC, think we are stupid!!:thumbsup:
I thought that the BBC were just portraying that some cultures will, to quote Norman Tebbitt "get on their bike". The immigrants would much rather be in their own country I'm sure, but because of unemployment and lack of any real social care they've used their initiative and come actively seeking work, (I'm talking about the one's on the telly last night, doubtless a lot of "spongers" come too). But the point is, the brits who claimed they were looking for work fared poorly against their European counterparts.
If those Brits that were showcased last night went to Europe looking for work, they'd starve:8:
The whole system of immigration and of benefits needs looking at ASAP in my opinion.

I have no objection to people coming over to work and provide a better life and future for themselves, but those that just come to claim benefits should be sent back. Did anyone know that an employed immigrant worker in the UK can claim child benefit for their children, even if their children still live back in their home country?! Ridiculous :thumbsdown:
I would not have employed them Dave and thats the whole point of the programme, it showed us up as a nation of lazy good for nothing, benefit grabbing, time wasting, uneducated, baseball cap wearing eejits.

If someone ran a similar programme and I could do the casting I would provide as many hard working, decent and caring people as the producer wanted and they would all be British. I know single Mums and Dads that will not sign on the dole because they are too proud but they are being forced to look in that direction because there are no jobs for them, cheap labour forces them into a corner. The BBC has an inherent policy to make people think we are a wasted country, they churn out doom and gloom all day long, they are trying to brainwash us into thinking the country is on its knees.
Well I will tell them this, I am at the end of my tether with regards to finding work to support my family, I have mounting bills and no real work lined up, I have a tax bill to pay, I have nothing solid on the horizon but I wont be portrayed like the spineless eejits on that programme, I will keep looking for work and it will come because it always does, I wont give in to the endless hype that the massive BBC corporation keeps spewing out, I'm British and proud of it and stuff what the BBC thinks!
If I have to pick vegetables from a field to earn money then I will and I wont pick a measly £170 a day like that polish lad did, the field better be ready for me!

Nuff said, I am not a happy chappy tonight.

Where does Evan Davies live?


I didnt realise you were in the same boat as me Dom
Its hard and its frustrating,Hang in there Dom things are looking brighter
I have spent my time walking the streets leafleting, and then pricing,
hours on the phone,hours trawling through jobsites for temp work and applying, i get very nice letters back telling me im overquailified for the Job:mad2:
I know what my quails are , it makes no difference, I work hard ,do a good job and im prepared to work for the measly few quid your offering as its only temp,:mad2:

I spent years getting quilified as I believed this was the way to go, after five years work I achieved advanced craft C&G
a few years later I was told I needed a cscs card to work, I could have one as I was c&g and it was for life, Fair enough if it means only those quailified can work in the building game its a good scheme

then they handed them out like confetti

they have been messing about with the system ever since
to get a cscs card you need to pass the H&S test and thats it

how do foriegn workers who cant speak, read or write english obtain a card, I have sat in site inductions where they havent understood a word but they were still allowed on site

they cant read the signage or H&S statements
one polish lad had arrived here on the friday and on the monday caused an explosion by smoking on a no smoking site, it was no smoking for a reason, which was explained at the induction ,and having only been in the country a few days , how had he obtained a cscs card:rant:

having said all that my experiance of working alongside immigrant labour has been mostly positive, I find them short on skills and knowledge but very willing to learn and hard working
The sponger debate is quite close to my heart. I make no bones about the fact that I work hard for everything I have and I have some wonderful things that I've worked hard to get - detached house, 2 brand new cars, nice clothes, nice electrical equipment, spending money to make the house look good.

But then you turn to look at my sister and you wonder what went wrong. She has 3 kids, a council house, a disabled badge, all the allowances and benefits under the sun, an lcd tv in every room, a pc and games console for each child, the kids get almost every new gadget they ask for and yet my sister is apparently too ill to work. she has epilepsy and depression. and her husband used to be a bus driver until he started having blackouts. he's got his driving licence back now, but he won't go back to driving buses...

Yet we have the same parents, had the same upbringing, lived in the same house together for 20 years. some people just take what they can get. I wholly believe my sister suffers with lazyitis and could manage to work 4 hours a day on supermarket check-out.



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